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Posts posted by Eagle732

  1. Hey Calico, what you call bigotry and prejudice I call family and traditional values (no eye rolling here). How about you don't judge me and I won't judge you and we can both respect each other.


    I support the Girl Scouts. I don't support abortions but I would never say something stupid to the girls or their leaders about it. Tolerance and respect of others.(This message has been edited by Eagle732)

  2. FScouter, if that last post was aimed at BadenP I think it's misguided. A brief review of the last several pages of posts made by BP show he offers a mix of comments and opinions on a variety of subjects along with helpful advice. On the other hand Merlyn seems to exclusively comment on gay, atheist, and other topics that show BSA in a negative light. Not in the 6 latests pages of his posts has he ever offered helpful opinions, ideas or answered questions about program.

  3. I'll bet that at least some on the list were falsely accused.

    We might want to remember that sometimes accusations are not true and can absolutely ruin someone life.

    Take a few moments to read this link:



    I know this person, he lived in my neighborhood and we belonged to the same volunteer fire company. He is a good guy.



    (This message has been edited by Eagle732)

  4. Invite the CORs to District meetings? There's a novel idea that just might work.

    That's assuming that the Key Three actually wants the CORs to attend and voice their opinions.


    Our DE and DC won't even talk with my COR, even after repeated requests for a meeting. That tells me they are really not interested in what the units have to say.

  5. A few years ago when I was a CM it was $60 which included:

    BSA registration with Boys Life

    All uniform patches (WS, Council, Unit #, Den #)


    Then when earned all rank, belt loops, special awards.

    Materials and supplies for pack meetings


    The uniform patches were a one time cost.

    We figured we lost money on first year scouts.

  6. It's all about the money.

    Merge councils, make new jobs, hire more professionals, raise the top level salaries.


    Scout camps are just a necessary evil that take money away from the profession's salaries. The sooner we can get boys away from camping the better off the professionals will be. It costs big bucks to run a camp, it costs nothing to run a Merit Badge Fair. Both accomplish the same end, boys earn badges and parents are happy.


    Meanwhile membership keeps falling and we wonder why.



  7. Interesting that 3 posters here think that the DE will not help to keep the Pack alive while only one thinks that they are a resource that will help.


    Why is it that DE's seem to have little interest in helping a failing unit turn around? Does it take too much effort, too many resources, too much time?


  8. Do you still have a meeting place?

    Does your CO still want a Pack?

    What are your recruiting options?


    You can ask your District Executive for help but don't be disappointed if you don't get any (just my experience).


    You say you have 7 boys on paper. How many do you have that are active? Do they want the Pack continue? If so what are the families willing to do to help?

  9. rj, you can have Tent 101, Tent 102 and Advanced Tent Operations and it won't matter. The boys don't care because if they damage a tent, they know they don't have to deal with getting it fixed. At least that's what I see. It ticks me off but I haven't resorted to bad words, at least not yet!


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