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Everything posted by DuckyTheSecond

  1. Well, I'm off to Fall Day Camp tomorrow.... I'll drink a toast of coffee for each and every one of you... even if it takes me both days -Matt
  2. "As for coffee, I drink a lot of the stuff and at times can be a real coffee snob. I hate the flavored stuff, but do enjoy good Kona and most dark roasted coffee." AMEN!!! My first encounters with Happiness in a Mug (Coffee) came when I was a cub scout at camp with my mom. I drink it black BECAUSE of camp. Please: let us not forget the age old tradition of morning camp coffee... 5lbs of coffee/1 pot.... nothing quite beats the flavor of dirt and the caffine intake of Jolt! If there were a ban placed on coffee at camp, would it truly work? For my duration in scouting I dr
  3. Assumingly Campstaff would count towards adult leadership (if not no biggy) 1 Orange 5 Yellow 6 Green 4 Red 4 Blue (will be 2 without camp come Blue/Gold Time) I think I need to take a smidge of a break... maybe...
  4. P.S.: Camo, OD, and natural colors are Ok too... just as long as the scout wants to be found, they will be... They are harder to find with rustic colors, but they still leave traces of whereabouts.
  5. As those of you who may know me know I'm a Search and Rescue geek with the US Air Force Auxiliary (Civil Air Patrol [CAP]). I do SAR for fun and pack and repack my gear when I'm bored, yes, I'm that bad... Colors, as many of you have stated, don't make a lick of difference, you're 1/2 correct. Although many of you may do SAR on the ground and be with ESAR posts, remember there are different types of SAR (ground, aerial, urban, etc). Well, from the sky, you can see more... A LOT more. Our ground team has worn Orange helmets since the Midwest Express crash back in the 1980's when on
  6. Badger, it is really more of a camp thing overall, as you said that you have seen. I'm not sure why they're asking for med cards, perhaps it's a way of insuring that you are insured. I forget what camp it was, and I'm not sure if it was Boy Scouts or Civil Air Patrol, but one of the two I also had to put a copy of my med card in. Realistically, so that I don't keep rambling, best bet is to ask why, if your scoutmaster isn't sure, and you still want answers, call your council and ask them. If they don't have answers 86 it but just keep it with you in case they try starting something.
  7. DS, the ranger out there out-dates Yoda. And I have proof! And I only say that because he's a friend of mine... And I was present for the great hot dog fight of which he has Yoda's moves for dodging... What a waste of 50 perfectly good hot dogs...
  8. Eamonn, 1.) I concur with TPL about "As for your hypothetical situation. If a child has a food allergy... the whol kitchen staff needs to know that, because if they are making chocolate sundae's for lunch, the STAFF needs to be prepared as to what not to serve the child." If we don't then we obviously run into the fact of well, having to most likely call EMS. If the child is teased by staff, and I'm meaning in public from a staff perspective, then there is a problem that does need to be addressed with higher echleons, i.e. what TPL said, Camp Director, Scout Exec, District Exec, Etc.
  9. I really need to stop going away for weekends, ya'll type too much on here in the course of 3 days. Ok, I have been informed that the camp I work for requests COPIES of med forms, which creates less of a hassle. They are kept in the camp safe, as not to be disturbed, unless it is so called for, like people getting hurt or dying, whichever the case. Have any of us stopped to think that perhaps one of us should contact national if this is such a large issue? Given that there is really, only what, 5 or 6 of us who have posted, and 2 in defense of the camps, 2 opposed and 2 Florida's, it's mor
  10. Eamonn, I agree with about 95% of what you've said. Camp is for the campers, without them, there is no camp, you are correct. You said that, "The camper does assume the responsibility of following the limitations that are placed upon him by his Doctor." I hate to say it, but can an 8 year old camper remember to say no to something because a doctor said no? I've been there before as both staff and as a camper at 8 years old. Owl, you're right it is the handling. I too, have not seen a published policy. I'd assume that for camp, there should be some sort of Directors' meeting with the h
  11. Ok, I hate to say this, I really do, because it pains me to go against camp and because we're ALWAYS short-handed. But, for the sake of arguement I will say it. Every week we have some sort of parent intervention in something or another, ALWAYS, from food to balloons, parents always manage to change program. What most don't realize is that the programs that camp and the camp staff provide have been tested, used, and Okayed by national. Believe me when I say national knows what they're doing, they've been doing it for 75 years for Cub Scouting! The answer I'm about to give is quite sim
  12. When you say your medical information is released, that confuses me. It's not released to anyone other than those you come, more less, into direct contact with. The Med forms aren't used only to see "red flags" but also are a means to contact people if there is some sort of outbreak that has occurred. I'm not sure if you're aware, there are 3 Levels of Med Forms, L1 is just for basic events, it's actually filled out when you sign-up. L2 is your bi-yearly, that's right if you read the fine print you only need one every-other year, for summer camp. The L3, which most have probably
  13. Owl, I'm not 100% sure on the official policy's of BSA, too new to the beauaracy for that, I can ask my boss and find out. I do, however, know that camp keeps Med Records, of staff at least, for like 2 or 3 years. This is to insure that if there is an outbreak or something that we have track-back records. Again, I'll email my DE and find out for you if you'd like.
  14. Well, I've been on staff for about 4 years now, I'm considered a Sr. Staff Member because of being on Cub Day Staff, we don't have a good turn-around rate, namely, as you all know, because of the pay. However, we have a coed staff, and when I was a camper, we had coed staff also. They, however stayed over at the camp ALL SUMMER. From staff week to staff week (Open to Close) they camped in the cabins. About 10 years ago, however, it ended. We had an interesting incident with a male and female staffer. A couple of the other long time campers/staffers and I figured out, mathematically (like
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