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    • Interestingly, I just ran across this, from Mike Rowe.  It say much that can relate to this subject.  I agree with most of what he suggests, and I even like the song Be Prepared that is linked.  https://mikerowe.com/2018/05/otw-death-of-the-boy-scouts/
    • How about we simply agree that actual convoying is not the best idea, and that defensive driving and obeying the law are paramount.  Call it follow the leader, or don't lose the others, or convoying, but it has been discouraged in whatever form for a long time.  A policy, maybe not on paper.  Common sense is all we need.  Why do we need to make it bigger than needed?  My last comment, as I have little patience at my seasoned age for nonsense.
    • Recently I was driving somewhere and it became apparent that I was in the vicinity of a few cars that were in a convoy. Their driving to maintain proximity and eye contact with each other created a dangerous situation, These other drivers were oblivious to everyone else due to their primary objective of staying in a group. Since I was able to discern which vehicles were involved, I was able to maintain being safe. While I am sure some very capable drivers would be able to drive in a convoy and maintain safety, it does add just one more item by which one could be distracted.
    • "Aye, it be more of a non-recommended technique than a 'policy''. Three cars, mebbe. More'n that,  them traffic lights and things interfere, dun ye know...""
    • Following up on this promise to inquire, I spoke with a superbly capable Cub and Troop leader, on Saturday, an electrical engineer for a fortune 50 corporation. A sharp and impressive individual, calm, measured, and balanced in his reaction to everything. Because he is confident in his understanding of circumstances and ability to respond appropriately. A role model to though he is 20 years younger. Said he'd never heard of an anti convoy policy. This month's Round Table in my district (no reason given) has been cancelled, but I plan to attend the next in August and present a written questionnaire to determine the level of unit leader awareness of the anti-convoy policy. And so we shall see, and so I shall report.
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