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    • Canada wildfire destruction...and now an online tree planting fundraiser from Scouts Canada and Canada's Forest Trust Corporation (CFT) - $10 per tree with choice of tree and region but there's more... "Through a digital forest intelligence dashboard, Scouts and supporters will access custom impact data, such as the forest's location, age, species, estimated carbon storage, and a climate learning centre." https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/launching-the-canadian-climate-challenge-join-scouts-canada-and-canada-s-forest-trust-corporation-in-planting-millions-of-trees-857451690.html https://scoutrees.ca/
    • Another random thought, it does explain why Jim Kirk was never a Boy Scout. https://y.yarn.co/193eb197-66ad-4b5c-843a-0519c7779c8b.mp4    
    • It's OK for us to be a little different. For all our troubles, the US is still exceptional in many respects. We've gifted the world airplanes, the telephone, the internet, Post-It notes, and sliced bread. Clearly, we're getting a few things right over here. 🙂   I respect that your experience may have been different from mine and believe yours to be valuable too, but most kids in the US already get 8 hours of mixed-gender interaction in school. Many extra-curriculars, aside from athletics, are also integrated. Boys and girls already have ample opportunities to interact. The single-gender path for youth in that difficult pre-teen stage is actually one of the few value propositions that the BSA (SA?) offers. Aside from athletics, where else can they still have that experience?
    • This isn't a big difference, but since so few others on the forum scouted gender integrated themselves I'll write it out also - sometimes we ditched the tent when backpacking and brought two tarps to construct a lean-to either on private land with permission to take a few .. what's the English word for young tall tree about as thick as a wrist? anyway, them, or where the SM had dropped the precut tall thin debranched trees for us to work with in advance. But this didn't really change how we slept in terms of relative body location - it's even more important to huddle together in the lean-to than a tent, especially if the.. what's the English word for the slow-burning parallel log fire that makes the "heat curtain" at the open end of the lean-to? anyway, the heat curtain fire doesn't burn that strong, the cold creeps in now just sideways but from your feet too, so nobody ever suggested anything different from the whole patrol in the same lean-to.
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