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I read in this months Scouting Magazine, that the new JLTC is ready to go to the Councils.

From what I read in the article it sounds that the new course is in many ways like the 21st Century Wood Badge.

We as a Council are sending two guys to Camp Alpine, sometime this month to get trained for next years JLTC. I'm not sure if they will be using the new course syalabuss or the old one.

It is a shame that I'm busy next year with the Jamboree. I truly would love to see this new course in action, and maybe be one of the adult staffers. Still that will have to wait a few years. OJ, has staffed the previous two JLTC's that the Council has ran. So maybe I can help him prepare for the next one? He will be over 17 by then, and a lot can happen from now till then.

He is looking at going to Philmont as part of the OA Trail Crew, and is staffing the Jambo. That might just be enough to keep him out of mischief.


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I will be going to training next weekend for National Youth Leadership Training/Wood Badge.

I have staffed JLTC for the last 2 years, first year as a ASM and last year as a SM. I have asked to be a SM again this year. I think they wanted me to become a course adviser this year, but I enjoy working with the youth more than with the adults, we will see what happens.

I am wondering what the new syllabus will be like and how much the youth leaders are going to be able to forget about the old course and use the new course. There is a some huge traditions the scouts have created with JLTC. Many I think are going to have to change with the new course.

I hear that the BSA is really trying to get people to use NYLT instead of JLTC. An ASM from the course last year went to Philmont this summer for the new course, I hear it has been tweaked since then. But she said every time someone would say JLTC they would be reminded that it is NYLT. My only problem with this is that NYLT does not roll of the tongue like JLTC did. ;)

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