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It has been some time since I could honestly say any scouting thing that I've attended was "fun." In fact it had become so "not fun" that I withdrew to the (distant) background of all things scouting for most of last year, and when it got really, really "not fun" I resigned my membership as part of a troop adult leadership. I'm still not registered and will likely stay that way for a while.


But, last night, my son attended a court of honor for another troop, just to see what they're like. They aren't located all that near to us and none of the kids are from the same school district. Their SM was also my son's jambo contingent SM though, and so son thought he'd just give the troop a look-see. I went along as Driver Mom and sat in the back.


The troop has a lot of young fellows and things were pretty chaotic when we got there. But within 5 minutes, the SPL and ASPL had greeted my son (he knew one of them from jambo) and pulled an extra chair up to where the older boys in the "duct tape" patrol were hanging around. Within 2 or 3 more minutes, my son was laughing and joking around with them, clearly feeling at ease.


Stuffed full of CoH goodies, the kids were all a bit hyper. But things got under way and the patrols all congregated in their own areas. PLs got things settled down a bit. The SPL ran the program with help from the duct tapes, who seemed to act as a senior leadership corp. The littler guys clearly looked up to them, the older guys clearly took their responsibility to the younger fellows seriously. Some older boys were wearing OA sashes and mentioned upcoming OA activities. Stories, songs, goofy moments, skits, and fun were in evidence.


So was patrol identity and scout spirit and pride in the troop. Achievements and accomplishments were recognized with seriousness and fanfare as appropriate, but it is clear there's more to the troop than an advancement mill.


Adult presence was minimal. Usually I dread CoHs because they're BORING. Usually, 3-4 adults plan and run the show (in my son's former troop) and talk far too much. In my experience, the scouts at a CoH are seated in rows to the side of the stage and periodically reminded to be quiet because the adults are saying something important. UGH!


I saw nothing like that last night. In fact, although I didn't know a single boy at this event (except my son who was visiting, of course), I found the CoH to be interesting, fun, and a good demo of a troop culture that I think most boys would enjoy being part of.


Every troop has flaws. I know that (so does my son). Son is going to visit another troop or two, and a couple of crews. But I'll be surprised if he doesn't end up joining this troop, and I think he'll like it there.


Nice to know, that there are other ways of "doing scouting" out there, and to have such a refreshing experience. Job well done, to this troop!

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Moosetracker, he's technically still registered with the "former" troop until either recharter, or until we tell the troop where he is moving to - whichever happens first. However, he doesn't intend to be active with that troop. I've written about his experiences last year before - but I think the simplest explanation is that he just wants something different in the remaining two years of his scouting experience than what his former troop is able to offer him at this point in time.



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