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Music for Distinguished Citizens Dinner

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Our honoree is looking for things to happen during his dinner that highlight the power of a good turn. We already have an Eagle Scout speaking to that for 10 minutes and introducing the honoree, and we have a video of scouts in action to show as well (That's more of the fundraising video for camperships). I'm using a song entitled "Thanks to You" for that one.


I'm looking for background music to play during another slideshow highlighting 100 years of good turns. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Iv'e seen a few. Some are emotional and may get a little dust in your eye. But, the best Scouting slide show I've ever seen; it was about 20 years ago, with about 300 Scouters at a Scouting dinner celebration.


It was a 35mm slide show (before powerpoint), on three screens. Each screen had different pictures. Most of the pictures last half a second (if that long). And it was set to the theme music of the television show Hawaii 5-0.


You could barely hear incomplete sentences across the tables, the action pictures flashed so fast. "Did you", "Hey that wa", "I rememb", "Did he"


All you had time to say was "WOW!"


I think that the front row got a neckache or whiplash as though they were watching a super fast tennis match. Meanwhile, everyone in the audience had their heart pumping by the end of the show.


It was energetic and everyone was on fire about Scouting that night. Good thing we didn't have expresso coffee.


Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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Put A Little Love In Your Heart - various artists


Will You Be There - Michael Jackson (from the Free Willy soundtrack) ... yeah, yeah, I know ... It was the soundtrack to a summer camp slideshow one really incredible year, and still brings tears to my eyes.


Or record and loop some Scouts singing and humming Kumbaya or Scout Vespers - or a group saying the Scout Law and Oath in unison, almost like a spoken-word performance.

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A great source for ceremonial music is the US military service bands. Much of what they record is in the public domain and available for free downloading from their web sites. In addition to patriotic classics, they also have some great arrangements of popular songs, jazz, and some original pieces. It takes a little time, but you can build a great ceremonial music library for those special occasions.


United States Army Band:



United States Army Field Band



United States Air Force Band



United States Marine Corps Band "The Presidents Own"




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