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with the original question... I think there is a difference in admistering and reminding.


with the description given about a scout with memory issues all that is needed is a leader knowing that Johnny needs to take his med at morning/night and the leader walks up and says hey Johnny it's time to take your med. The leader doesn't need to keep it and doesn't need to hand it out... just be there to see that the scout takes it.


other than at summer camp where the camp has different rules of keeping meds locked up our boys do keep them and take them when they need them... if a parent has concerns and wants a leader to be in charge of them then they get with an adult going and work it out for that adult to manage the meds.


on weekend trips unless I'm going in water I keep my meds on me because I do have 1 that can be taken and abused... this is something that one would hope wouldn't have to be thought about with scouts, but sometimes we do... for our troop this has not been an issue, but if it were then I'd be one adult that would be then pushing for having to go to all meds locked up on all trips. for me that's the only reason to go with that route.


Now with Girl Scouts all meds are supposed to be locked up - I'll never forget going to "mom and me" summer camp when my daughter was little and having to go to the nurses cabin at bedtime for my meds, and then trying to explain why I needed to keep 1 clonazapam with me at all times in case of a panic attack - they just didn't understand that one.

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