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Boy scout without a troop

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My son just crossover a few weeks ago and we planned on joining the troop of our co. My problem is that my son is also in Hebrew school and now goes twice a week and has turtoing twice aweek. I do not want to over extend my son but we both do not want to give up scouting. I guess my question is: is there lone scouting in BS like in CS? Thanks for any help.

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Being Jewish, I can sympathize with your situation.


There is a Lone Scout program for Boy Scouts, but quite honestly, you'd be missing out on much that the scouting program has to offer.


I know there is no way to change the Hebrew School schedule (and most shuls require maintaining enrollment and attendance in order to have a bar mitzvah), but is it possible that you could find a troop in your area that meets one of the nights of the tutoring and possibly move that day's tutoring session to the weekend?


I understand that may only be possible if you are using a flexible private tutor, but it's just a thought.



Edit to add: You might also want to look into seeing if there is a troop that meets on Sunday. i had forgotten to mention that possibility, but there some who do. On a similar note, if your shul is not the CO, you might look into seeing if they are interested in starting a troop that would meet on Sundays. It takes a lot of work to start one from scratch, but it can be rewarding. Just a couple more possibilities.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)

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Being a CUB scouter and not a BOY scouter myself( ADL) - I could be wrong, but have to ask:


Isn't holding a POR or leadership positio within a patrol required for some advancement?


I mean, I guess ther are possibly different rules for lone scouts ( no experience myself) but at the same time, it sounds like it just couldn't work.

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Thank you for all of your responses. My son does not want to give up on Scouting and would like to go to the meetings. i will look around and see if there is a differnet meeting we can join. I wanted to stay with our troop since i am still connected to the Pack. I was just concerned that he really would not be able to attend any campouts until he has his bar mitzah but I guess we will cross that bridge when it comes. thanks.

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We are all Scouters. There is no Cub Scouter or Cubber.


We are adults, mostly volunteers, committed to supporting the programs of the Boy Scouts of America.


You're a Scouter affiliated with a Pack. I'm a Scouter affiliated with a Crew.


Make sense?

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Yep John is correct. however a more accurate description would be the follow:


If you volunteer your time to Scouting, you are a volunteer.

If you are paid to do Scouting, you are a professional

If you pay to do Scouting, you are a Scouter.

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