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Whilst others banter, how about listing things that your scouts do do and still follow the BSA program:


1. Go on patrol camping trips without adults

2. Play Capture the Flag, at night with or without illumination

3. Go climbing and rappelling


what things does your troop do that gets kids excited?

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Our Troop really enjoys visiting Eagle Cave in SW WI. No meals to prepare, no duty roster, just getting good-n-dirty crawling through the nooks and crannies and sleeping in a real cave for an overnighter. we also go bicycling on the Sparta-Elroy bike trail in Cent.WI

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Three fairly common things we do that the boys love:

1) wide games

2) capture the flag (pick up games after dinner)

3) (in winter) build quinzees


Three less common activities we've done that the boys love:

1) aviation-themed camp out at local airport, complete with opportunities to fly

2) luging camp out where the boys got to sled down the US olympic luge training track.

3) dog sledding


That's on top of back packing, fishing, hiking, canoeing, wilderness survival, pioneering, etc., etc.


Don't tell me there's nothing fun to do anymore.

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Oh silly me, when I spun a thread off of a thread titled


"Is there ANYTHING a scout is ALLOWED to do anymore ?!?!?"


I thought the reason for using the term "scout" was obvious, guess I was mistaken.


Lets see, there are Cub Scouts and Sea Scouts, we all know there is no such thing as Venture Scouts, but as Marvin Lee Aday would say two out of three ain't bad.

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No OGE, Silly me! When you said "what things does your troop do that gets kids excited?"


It led me to believe that you only wanted to hear form Boy Scouts and their leaders. Now that I understand that when you said TROOP that you welcom information from Packs, Crews, and Ships, I understand your post more clearly, and hope to see what others do.


In Cubs

the Webelos spend a weekend aboard a submarine

the Pack went to a rodeo


In Boy Scouts

the troop hiked on a glacier

Went caving amd spent the night underground for a weekend

Downhill skiing

Cross country skiing

hiked at Yellowstone

did a boat tour of Glacier national park

White water canoeing

75 mile overnight bike hikes

rock climbed and rapelled

visted a World Scout jamboree

sledded down hills on garbage can lids, cardboard boxes, and inner-tubes

climbed trees at a high COPE course

just for a few adventures


As Sea Scouts

Took part in a Coast Guard search and rescue on the Great Lakes

Race olympic class sailboats

take boy Scouts sailing

Fired off flare guns with the Coast guard

sail approx 20 weekends a year


Heck, notin to do here!



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From the current years plannimg, pioneering, climb/rappeling, float trip, mountain biking, wilderness survival, cooking, cold weather camping, fishing, hiking, camporee, webelos woods, staffing cub day camp. Those are what I can remember without a calendar in front of me. We also do a troop annual high adventure trip to Philmont or Northern Tier or one we make up.

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Since I'm firmly rooted in the Cubbie category for at least the next 4 years...


Pack activities for this year include...


1) Family pack campouts

2) Bike Rodeo

3) Holiday parade float

4) Popcorn selling

5) "Pie-in-the-face" of the CM for top popcorn sellers

6) Space Derby

7) Raingutter Regatta

8) Council Fun-w-Son weekends

9) B&G in Feb

10) Pinewood Derby (go fast or go home !)

11) Erosion control / landscape planting at our local school

(serive project)

12) Scout Fair

13) Day hikes / public park litter clean-up (service project)


So - we got a few things going on...


Figured if I was the OP from the spun thread, the least I could do is throw in some positives over here :)

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