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Help! My Troop Has Fallen and It Won't Get Up!

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Yah, this is where a "real" COR can make a difference, eh? Who is the CO? Are you really a member of the CO? Have good contact with the head of the organization? Then the road is what ASM describes, eh? You sit down with the organization head, outline where you want to take things and what the obstacles are, and yeh go do it. Da SM and CC serve at the pleasure of the COR. Now, to do that right, yeh move gently, of course. But firmly. I'd have the IH and COR and CC sit with the SM and do the Lem Siddons thing... acknowledge both his contributions and his physical ailments, and make him Scoutmaster Emeritus. ;)


BUT, if you're just a paper COR, and there really isn't an active CO that's interested in helpin' to goose this along, yeh might be stuck, eh? Movin' an entrenched old-timer who has a long history and lots of love and support just isn't likely if you're a newcomer. "Scoutmaster Emeritus" has to come from Whitey, eh? ;)


So in the second case, you're lookin' at bitin' the bullet and setting off on your own. Yah, yeh need to take a look at the "Starting a New Troop" thread, eh?






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Dear Elizabeth, I have read your concerns, and I sybethize with you...The scouting the way I see it, is for the boys. Let the Scoutmaster do his job, it is difficult enough , not to have to deal with over bearing parents. If you, don't like the program your SM/SPL is having, may I suggest you take your boy to another unit. Sorry,,,I am of the old type thinking,.... when we had Troops that enjoyed Scouting. jambo

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Who is Elizabeth??


Yes, Scouting IS for the boys. And it would be nice if the Scoutmaster WAS doing his job. Unfortunately, it does not sound like that is the case.


This is not a problem of overbearing parents. This is a case of a SM and CC not running a BSA program.


The boys, you know the ones who Scouting is for, deserve to get the program they signed up for, regardless how "difficult" this makes the SM's job.


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