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Gotta agre with John-in-KC,

If the scouts who left early are not in OA, don't submit their names for cndidacy. You gotta have 6 nights of long term camping, leaving on Friday is only 5 nights.

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Over the years, we have had a few boys leave early for many reasons. The only ones who left earlier than Friday were those who were sent home. Regardless of the reason, for the Scout to be eligible to be tapped out for the OA, they must stay until Saturday AND they must arrive on Sunday!


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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Come late....leave early, be your own island in the sea of scouting. So many people today don't really want to "join" the program, they want to do their own thing without being a part of the group dynamic that is so much a part of belonging to any organization.


Certainly there are legitimate reasons for having to leave camp early. Family emergencies are the first that come to mind. Other than that, all early departures are planned AND consequently can be effectively handled. One thought is to schedule the boys who are leaving early for more chores during the week. Everyone has to do their share of the work, and leaving early is no excuse for getting out of it!

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fotoscout writes: ...they want to do their own thing without being a part of the group dynamic that is so much a part of belonging to any organization.


Fotoscout, that is an excellent observation. I think it is important as to how scouters act, react and communicate to counteract those that are not as in to the program as the folks on this site are, and to teach them the benefits of active participation in the program.


We teach people how to treat scouting program, and it is much bigger than an issue with leaving camp early. If we heap a lot of awards on scouts that leave camp early, that are an island in a sea of scouting, that do not become part of the troop (and patrol) dynamic; i.e. trustworthy, loyal, helpful within their troop and patrol, then actions are communicating that, despite what is said, we value the individual achievement of MB's more than that troop/patrol loyalty. Just look at other discussions on this board; a scout not earning advancement to the next level is referred to as "being denied advancement"; BSA's position is that active = being rostered; completing requirements of a POR is not a scout's responsibility, it is the SM's responsibility to assure that he does them. Rather than rewards for actions that we want to encourage (such as full participation at Summer Camp), we consider consequences for leaving early.


I agree with JohninKC that a SM conference with the scouts leaving early is appropriate and needed. It is important to have regular "all hands" meeting with parents, to communicate the vision of scouting, the benefits to their sons, and how the reward system is tied in to encourage this. Include the leaving early issue as a part of the overall vision. This will have to be repeated many times.



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