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Tour Permit requiring DL number

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Thanks folks for your intersting comments. I admit it never really occurred to me that there may be nefarious reasons why someone would not want to give their DL number. Just never happened before.


In this case, Dad has never been active in the troop and this is only the second time he's joining us. His older son has been in the troop for five years and younger son for two.


The first time he helped with a campout when we did motor boating (his boat) merit badge and water skiing. He complained then about having to wear lifejackets (G2SS guidelines) and refused to wear one. I tried to explain, but he just wouldn't listen and made a point of being very loud when he stated his objections. Yes, all the Scouts and leaders wore lifejackets, but I was sorry the tension remained.


As in the motor boating incident in which I clearly explained the BSA guidelines and the reasons (you know, aren't you glad we follow the guidelines to help ensure the safety of YOUR sons, etc.), I also told him the reasons I was asking for the DL number (safety of all the boys - would you want your son to ride in a car with someone that we did not verify DL and insurance?) etc., but no response.


Oh well....


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Hey gwd, it doesn't sound to me like this guy is interested in being helpful. If his attitude is that the only rules he is going to follow are the ones he likes, well that's fine, but he should understand then, that you won't be needing his "help." As "just a parent" he may feel he is free to ignore BSA policy but of course you, as the SM, do not have that freedom. Sounds to me like you might need to find a more cooperative adult to help with the driving.

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You should infact ask each driver to see thier license each time your going to put them on a tour permit.


You would be surprised of the number of people that have a suspended/revoked license.


In my court we suspend licenses every week of ordinary every day people who have done something dumb.

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"In my court we suspend licenses every week of ordinary every day people who have done something dumb"

I do something dumb everyday!!

So far never while driving!!

(I'm sorry -It was just to easy!!)

Of course I don't know this parent.

But I do admit to having some concerns about the way both the BSA and Councils manage our information.

I wish I could put my hand on my heart and tell someone who is worried that everything is safe and secure but I can't.

Sometime back hackers did manage to get into the company that does the back ground checks for the BSA.

To make things worse the BSA waited months before telling anyone!!

DE's carry new leader applications around for days in their cars -What happens if the car is stolen?

The papers sit on the desk of a service center employee, who goes to lunch?

ID theft is real, it happens and can be a real pain.

I think we need something from the people we give the information to, so we can know what happens to the information.

Is that tour permit application tossed in the garbage bin? Or is it shredded? How secure are the Council computers?

Be nice to know.



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Should our Councils be diligent about protecting our personal information? Yes they should.


And we should be just as diligent about protecting the Scouts in our charge. If a parent refuses any information that is required, I don't want them responsible for the boys in my Troop.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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