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My statement is not wrong no matter how much people may like to argue. You can't change the requirements or interpret them how you like. Here is the direct quote from A Guide for Merit Badge Counseling published by BSA. "As a merit badge counselor I agree to follow the requirements of the merit badge making no deletions or additions. Have a buddy present with each Scout at all sessions. Renew registration annually if you plan to continue as a merit badge counselor. The scout is expected to meet the requirements as stated--no more and no less. You cannot require more of a scout than stated. You can suggest, encourage and help the scout but you cannot require it. The scout does not have to show his knowledge of things beyond the requirements that are expressly stated." To be in scouting is a commitment to the boys and should not become anything else. The only way to effectively follow the BSA program is to follow it as it is intended to be. There are many, many who will back my point.

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Regina Dutcher,

        In the course of explaining how we must all follow the rules without change you quote yet another conflicting BSA publication. "...Have a buddy present with each Scout at all sessions." No where in any requirement for any rank or merit badge does it say that the scout must have a buddy with him. It is part of the methods and proceedures but not one of the requirements for anything. How can you require a buddy be present and not be adding to the requirements?  Concerns over YP does not give one permission to change the requirements.


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Do you mean this one?


Ed Mori said:


By not defining where or when the camping must take place leaves it up to the MB counselor what to accept. So the blanket statement


Anyone in any troop who interprets this is wrong and are not abiding by the rules of a merit badge counselor but simply fulfilling their own personal needs


is incorrect.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

Spun Thread: camping requirement


It's in the OTHER thread labeled "camping requirement"!!!!


YIS John


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