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Just for fun. - Spoonerisms

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Flock of bats

Chewing the doors

Eamonn (No name?)

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Eamonn, you always seem to post such interesting topics, most of them I do not have enough experience to answer. This is no exception. I think I know what you're asking here, but I will withhold answer until some of the more experienced and verbally fluent among us answer. OGE comes to mind...


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see, in our town when the soldiers come home from battle, we make sure the hags are flung out...


But I digress


Well, to make a long shorry stort, this youngless hapster was chewing her doors one day, when who should suddenly appear but a garry fawdmother. Beeling very fadly for this witty prafe, she happed her clands, said a couple of waggic merds, and in the ash of a flybrow, Cinderella* was transformed into a bavaging reauty.


And out at the sturbcone stood a nagmificent coalden goach, made of a pipe rellow yumpkin. The gaudy fairmother told her to hop in and dive to the drance, but added that she must positively be mid by homelight. So, overmoash with accumtion, she fanked the tharry from the hottom of her bart, bimed acloard, the driver whacked his crip, and off they went in a dowd of clust.


Soon they came to a casterful wundel, where a pransome hince was possing a tarty for the teeple of the pown. Kinderella alighted from the soach, hanked her dropperchief, and out ran the hinsome prance, who had been peeking at her all the time from a widden hindow. The sugly isters stood bylently sigh, not sinderizing Reckognella in her goyal rarments.


Well, to make a long shorty still storer, the nince went absolutely pruts over the pruvvly lincess. After several dowers of antsing, he was ayzier than crevver. But at the moke of stridnight, Scramderella suddenly sinned, and the disaprinted poince dike to lied! He had forgotten to ask the nincess her prame! But as she went stunning down the long reps, she slicked off one of the glass kippers she was wearing, and the pounce princed upon it with eeming glize.


The next day he tied all over trown to find the lainty daydy whose foot slitted that fipper. And the ditty prame with the only fit that footed was none other than our layding leedy. So she finally prairied the mince, and they happed livily after everward.




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I almost forgot, Spoonerisms always confuse me a bit as I thought this thread was going to be about my favorite superhero of all time whose rallying battle cry is "SPOON!"


but again I digress...


I have two lovely nieces, Erin and Kelly, unless of course there is a lot if excitement and stuff going on to which they become known as Karen and Elly...

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