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I suspect the core Scouting program content will remain essentially the same but the numbers of Scouts (or, more accurately, the percentage of Scout-age boys who are Scouts) will slowly decrease. This would happen at the same rate as the decrease in other traditional cultural activities, such as church attendence. Scouting will then be a stable specialty program much like club soccer, swimming teams, and the like.


Scouting's continuing stand for appropriate moral behavior will be increasingly at odds with modern American society's declining standards. Much like traditional church congregations, Scouting's participants will be somewhat isolated from mainstream society. I suspect these participants may become more adept at the practices of Scouting (and perhaps more vocal as well), as competition from other activities and from society at large makes us do a better job.


The new Cub Scouting + soccer program suggests more changes may be coming from the national BSA organization.



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1. "God"- 'softening' of this position to a more inclusisive stance without abandoning the core values (something along the lines of we feel that a belief in God helps a person be the best they can be but that we recognize not everyone shares such beliefs... yada yada yada.)


2. "Gays"- Strengthened Youth Protection Program and policies in place that we will judge leaders based on their actions and behaviors rather than sexual preference. Did I mention the strenghtened Youth Protection Program?


3. "Girls"- I can actually envision some form of allowing girls, at least in Cubs. Possibly a seperate program that occurs in parallel to Boy Scouting..


4. Some de-emphasis on camping, some re-emphasis on other possible program tracks. For example- units with science focus, or with sports focus. Perhaps even different 'advancement tracks' for Scouts/patrols/units.


5. Uniform- I would -like- to see a shift here, from the rather anal official uniform to a more relaxed 'dress code', keeping the offical uniform for inter-council level activies. One problem I have with the uniforms as they exist (cut, quality, cost aside) is that they are non-participatroy. They Scouts themselves have virtually zero input on them. Historically, the pendulum has swung from many unit options to few options and back. In general, I like more options!


5. Tigers- I bet they are totally integrated- uniform and all- in very few years with a modified paretnal involvement. (I also think they'll go co-ed next).


6. General overhaul of the program. The Cub, Webelos and Boy Scout programs have been patched and bandaged over and over and over. I think it is about time for a general overhaul, similar to but hopefully better planned than that in the mid-70's. Easier paperwork, streamlined training, more adult leader-friendly environment, better pack-troop integration, etc.

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