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Does anyone know where I can find a comprehensive list of all the bin items offered by the BSA? I'm trying to order extra copies of an item (Shooting Sports for Cub Scouting) through my council, but they can find no record of it existing (even though I'm staring at my own, personal copy right now). Any help would be appreciated.




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It's possible it is discontinued. It's also possible that it does indeed exist, but the individual doing the looking is looking in the wrong place. From what I understand, the listing of bin items in the ScoutNet system is a mess. They are not listed in any logical sequence. It's necessary to hunt around looking here and there. The system response time is very slow too, so it can be a very frustrating task. I'd guess your council person spent 5 minutes looking and gave up. You could try calling the Supply Division (800 # in the catalog) and asking. Try to sound like a council person and not Joe Parent.

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"Hello? I'm Joe Doakes from XYZ council. Hey, that bin item isn't on the ScoutNet. Could you please send a dozen to our council address? Thanks, you're a lifesaver." Then tell the girl to let you know when they arrive. Might work.


On the other hand if you say you're Joe Parent, they will tell you that your council can get you a copy of that. "Sorry, those publications are available only through the council."

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Any chance that you're interested in a Cub Day Camp or Resident Camp position?


Even if found someone w/ access to the book you might have a hard time getting your hands on one. I rec'd mine at National Camp School for reference use as Program director for Cub Day Camp. And while the text might not be a restricted publication.... "This manual is for the adults who will teach the shooting sports skills of archery and BB shooting to Tiger Cubs.... Archery and BB gun shooting are restreicted to Day Caps / Webelos Scout resident camps, Council magaged family camping programs, or to council activities where there are properly trained supervisors and all standards for BSA shooting sports are enforced. Archery and BB gun shooting are not to be done at the pack level." 13-550 p.1.



If you are interested in introducing your boys to shooting sports you will need to get your council or district to offer a day camp or other special event that will involve the desired sport.


( I maintain my certification and work at each of our district Cub events, but we have anbother gent who is our District Cub shooting sports specialiast. I am not the shooting sports director for day camp -- Mike takes care f that. By the way our Day Camp visitation team (inspectors) would not look kindly upon anyone trying to meet those two particular positions.)


There is some information online but I'm afraid that it was on USSSP.


Bob(This message has been edited by Bob58)

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