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CM is an Empty Uniform & the Pack is Dieing on the Vine

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I'm a 1st Yr WDL in my pack.


Last year we had a complete rollover of leadership with a new CC, CM, new DLs (including myself), and MCs. This year I moved to WDL and we added an Asst. CM, a couple DLs to replace those lost from last year, and a TDL. We have four dens, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and 1 Yr Webelos totaling 25 boys. Our Tigers have been inactive since our November pack meeting.


At this time, myself, our CC, CM, and TDL are the only ones who have completed basic training and I'm the only one who has bothered to seek out advanced training such as LOE, Pow Wow, & UofS.


I believe our main problem is our CM. He's an empty uniform and scouting is low activity on his spare time totem pole. He'd rather ride the bus for a basketball team he's an assistent coach on, than show up for our pinewood derby. He's usually late for meetings... especially committee meetings (30 mins last time) and is never prepared (hasn't read the Program Helps and doesn't know what the theme is). If we assign him tasks to complete for the pack meeting, he's likely to forget some critical piece of eqiupment. He's only attended one roundtable in the last year and a half.


I'd like to replace him with a more reliable volunteer, but no will step forward. The Asst. CM hasn't stepped forward. He's new this year and is not sure what to do and has not taken basic training. Being a 1 Yr WDL, I'm on my way out of the pack. It's the same old story of not enough parents coming forward to lead the pack with the added frustration of unreliable leadership. My next step is to contact our UC and invite him to our meetings. It'd be nice to meet him.


Other than that, all I can think of is pulling up roots and taking my den elsewhere but this would almost certianly cause the pack to fold. I'd hate to do that to the Troop.




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It's clear that the Pack is not your CM's highest priority and therefore, IMHO, he has no business being the CM. His lack of enthusiasm will infect the rest of the program, which is what it sounds like you're experiencing.


You need someone who is gung-ho about the program as your CM. If you can achieve this, he / she will drive (hound? badger? threaten?) the DL's to get their training, make sure they're running good Den programs, and (if necessary) spur the Committee into doing their jobs, too.


If there's not a gung-ho parent willing to step up, try looking outside for a young guy who has fond memories of his years in Cub and / or Boy Scouts, but no children old enough for the program. This is how I got "roped" into being CM for our Pack, and it's been a wonderful experience (as well as my highest priority). Also how I found one of the best DLs I ever had (who unfortunately has now moved away...darn it...).



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Welcome. I hope that reference to 'zeroland' is not related to your view of the pack.


First, does anyone else share your concerns? In particular, the CC, other DLs and COR. If so, then consider acting in concert to address this problem. Certainly, the CM needs to be made aware of how his actions (or inactions) may be adversely impacting the pack program. If he doesn't seem to care or isn't willing to change, then it is time to find a new CM. This forum has many threads dealing with recruitment of new leaders that will provide all kinds of good advice. If, on the otherhand, you are the only one that seems to care then there is only so much that you can do, absent volunteering to take over the CM job. If that's not going to happen, then focus your energies on at least making your den an exciting place to be. With only a year or so to go until crossover, I don't see where a transfer would be the best course. Good luck.




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Bump to cm3947.


Have you approached your COR yet? It is her/his responsibility to recruit the best available volunteer to serve as CM, or any other position. If your COR is non-existant (like my son's pack), then meet with the SM and CC for the troop you mentioned. Lay it on the line that the pack's survival - and ultimately the troop's! - depends on a qualified, enthusiastic CM.


Here's where I disagree with Semper. If things don't turn around soon, I say take your den to another pack in March, right after your current pack's Blue & Gold. Your primary responsibility as a WDL is to deliver a quality program to your den and that includes an active pack program. That's how I see it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.(This message has been edited by CubsRgr8)

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Early in the year, I tried to set an example for the CM at committee meetings by coming prepared and with all this neat stuff I got at rountable or the roundtable guide, or the program helps (he even has a copy), or the ceremony guide. In time I realized it was just a wooshing sound going over his head.


Our CC and Treasurer share my concerns regarding the pack, but they're cutting and running. They've decided not to recharter with the pack next month.


Lately, I've decided just to worry about my den and ensure I'm putting together a good program. We've completed four activity badges since September including Citizen and Fitness, and all but one boy is going to earn their Webelos badge by Blue & Gold (the one boy who dropped out was new to scouts and his family realized he didn't have time for the weekly meetings--he got his Bobcat though). We've visited a TV station and had our state representative visit one our meetings, and collected a three or four belt loops along the way.


Did I mention that through the CM's inactiveness, none of the other dens have been to dad & lad or Webelos mini-camp? My den has been to both and will be at the weeklong this summer.


BTW... I'm a ham radio operator and received my license in what the FCC calls the tenth call district (midwest)... aka zeroland.

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Where is your Charter Org in all of this?


It is not up to you to replace the Cubmaster or any other Pack volunteer. If you have problems with the CM (or anyone else) you should relay them to your CC and your COR. They are the ones who are responsible for the Pack leadership.


It sounds like your Pack could use a good Secretary to (among other things) give people reminder calls. Your Asst CM should be helping your CM. That is his job.


You say the Tigers have been inactive since Nov, didn't you have a Dec or Jan Pack meeting? How do you know they have been inactive? Perhaps they have been doing things that you did not know about. The holidays can get hectic and with no school sometimes it's hard to get together. My Tigers have not met a lot since the beginning of Dec, but we have got together for a few local "Go-See-It's". Everyone in the Pack is currently working hard on their PWD cars for Friday's race.


You need to be concentrating on your Webelos den. They should be close to earning their Webelos rank badge. That should be your 1st priority. Also, if you decide to move to a different Pack, that is YOUR choice. However, you can NOT make that choice for your entire den. Some families may want to stay, some may want to go to the same Pack you move to, some may choose to go to an entirely different Pack & some may drop out of Scouting altogether. Their choice.



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The COR is the principle of the elementary school through which we are chartered. The COR is new this year and I doubt understands what the role and responsibility of the position is. To be honest, the COR has never been an active member of the committee in the past. Just signs off on the paperwork. Frankly, as long as the CC and CM do their jobs, much of what the COR adds to the pack is redundant. We usually just rely on the COR to ensure that facilities and resources are available for our pack program.

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"Our CC and Treasurer share my concerns regarding the pack, but they're cutting and running. They've decided not to recharter with the pack next month."


If that is the case then the CC should let the entire Pack know this. Your Pack can NOT recharter without a CC! No recharter - No Pack. Either someone steps up to be CC or the Pack families will need to find new Packs to go to.



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We don't have enough parents volunteering to have a Secretary. Our meetings are all on our calendar through the rest of the year and our CC does a good job reminding everyone.


I've talked to the TDL and they have not meet since November and have yet to have a successful den meeting or go-see-it. They've had two den meetings and both times the attendees were the host and the TDL and their boys. The TDL set up a class at a museum and he was the only one who showed. He hasn't been able to get the parents to meet again.


The CM has since decided to host the Tiger den meetings, but has yet to get them together. The TDL has told me he feels the den is a lost cause because of a lack of commitment of the parents. I am concerned that this is receiving the same effort as other tasks performed by the CM.


Our last two pack meetings were our Christmas party and PWD. No Tigers attended either.(This message has been edited by markinzeroland)

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The Cub Scout Leader Book, does a good job of explaining who does what in a pack.

The Pack Committee selects the Cubmaster and the COR approves or disapproves the selection.

At this time your job is to provide the best possible program for the Den that you serve.

Don't allow something that isn't really your responsibility to distract you from what your job is.

If the Cubmaster is not doing the job as described in the book and it is harming the program of the Den that you serve, you should bring it to his attention and the attention of his Assistant at your next leaders meeting.

Let the Committee do their job and you do yours.


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The committee has discussed its concerns with the CM and he doesn't share them. After B&G I will no longer cover for the CM and will recommend the same for the other leaders but rather than contact the COR, I contacted our UC in the hope that he can reaffirm the roles & responsibilities of our leadership.

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