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Scouting in the Blood?

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Mom was a den mother yes den mother and a brownie-girl scout leader Dad was a cc and an Indian guide leader. My brother and I are both Eagle Scouts my 2 sons are Eagle Scouts, my brother's son is an Eagle Scout and my Sister's 2 sons are Eagle Scouts.


My brother lives in Texas, my sister in Wisconsin and I live in the middle-somebody want the coasts?

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Well, my Grandfathers where adults when Scouting came to these shores, yet they all where involved in scouting, as was my father and mother, and my wife's father and mother. I'm going past 45 years involvement and my wife is not to far behind. Both our children are involved in scouting.All of my uncles and aunts where involved. Yet my sister kids did not get involved( sister is adopted) So it must be in the genes.

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Mom and Dad did not have scouting where they grew up. But my Mom was a Den Mother for us (myself and 2 twin brothers, 3 yrs diffence). When we moved into Boy Scouts my Dad (in some way, I was to young to know how) became Scoutmaster and fulfilled that position for almost 20 yrs. One of my brothers took over and has been Scoutmaster for 15 yrs off and on. The other brother is active in scouting with his son (Eagle) and we think is going to be a Scoutmaster also.


Myself, I have been an ASM for 9 years and on the committee for 2 yrs and forgot to dodge and am now a Scoutmaster (say a prayer please ;) ). Both of my sons are Eagles, one in the Army as a Medic and the other in College.


All three of us (my brothers and myself are Eagle Scouts) and all of us understand what scouting has meant for us.


Don't know if there is a scouting gene but I agree that the values that Scouting puts forth for young men is and has been a something that we all value and want to pass on.


We also have around a 100 years experience in scouting as a family. What a thing to have as a heritage isn't it?


Eagle 1968


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I think I might have to agree with the majority that Scouting may not be a matter of genetics. My father was a Scout, but the rest of my family has nothing to do with it, although myself and my household are neck-deep in it.


I'm going to examine the matter from a slightly different angle: Does the sight and scent of a campfire cause one to burst into song? Does one also harbor the tendency toward Packrat Syndrome (i.e. "I'm not throwing that away! That would make for good __fill in the blank__)? Have you finally found that 8th day in the week? Can you no longer eat eggs unless they are cooked in a ziplock bag?


Could it possibly be that it is not so much a gene, but rather a contagion? ;)

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I don't know about a scouting gene. But I do think that in some cases parents instill in kids the need to give back to your community.

My parents had Girl Scout troops before I was born. They were on the Charter Board for NoArk Girl Scout Council in North Arkansas. They also had the church youth fellowship, were sponsors of the Riding Club, and chaperoned every school dance we had during school. My mother graduated her last troop of girls from high school just after she turned 70. My troop started with 17 girls in 2nd grade. The same 17 girls graduated from high school together. My parents charged each of us with giving back a year for each year they gave to us.

So now at 58 I am still giving back, still involved in scouting though it is Boy Scouting now. Of the 15 girls still living all but two are involved in some way with working with kids.

I was assistant leader of my first GS troop at 22, directed my first day camp at 28. During most of that time had at least one troop and for 6 years had 2 because the leader of the Senior troop moved and the troop would have folded had someone not taken it over. I did take a little break of about three years where I didn't have a troop. Then I got Kevin when he was 4. When he started 1st grade I put him in Tigers. He is now 12, a Star Scout, almost Life. Lacks one badge for Eagle. Wants Eagle by 16 so he can earn palms and serve as JASM.

My wonderfully wise Gran had a saying:


"Your community is like a tree, you are a leaf that nutures it or mistletoe that sucks it dry.

Be darn sure you are always a leaf.

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