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Female Leader Requirements for Family Cub Scouting

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4 hours ago, Eagle1993 said:

To summarize this thread.  There is an early adopter FB page and the National Director for Cub Scouts released a video that mentioned any Pack that adds girls must have a female Cubmaster or Assistant Cubmaster  AND every girls den must have a female ADL or DL.   Both are changes to requirements from the Early Adopter program (which is fine).  Outside of the video the official Cub Scout material/rules have only mentioned the DL/ADL requirement.  It appears G2SS was updated and that may point to having ACM/CM female lead requirement or that may be covered by the DL/ADL requirement.  I’m still waiting to hear official word.


Also frustrated that rules are not clear (if ACM/CM requirement is real) < 1 month away from full go live.


Personally, staffing requirements for me locally would be easier if the requirement was for a female CM/ACM only. It'll be a lot easier to recruit ONE female to be a ACM than however many we'll need  (up to 6?) for den leadership. Plus that would finally give me an ACM to groom (does YPT allow me to use that word?) to take my place as CM. I know many Packs have a lot of female leadership, as evidenced by the 50/50 ratio at Roundtables, but our Pack has pretty much exclusively males in uniform. In spite of my efforts to cajole more women.

And here we are accepting girls into more of our programming, while simultaneously saying, "women can mentor our boys, but men aren't capable of mentoring our girls without female assistance/guidance". So I guess that we're not truly just "opening up our membership to those interested in our programming". Because these leadership requirements imply that there's something fundamentally different about the programming now that requires a female's presence. How and in what way do these requirements make our kids safer?

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