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Well it's official our newest DE (1 of 3 in the past 4 years, this one lasted 6 month) has notified us he has resigned effective Sunday, 2/15/04. It's getting to be recruitment time for Troops with School visits to be arranged etc. I did the work last year for the new Troop night and was hoping this new DE with experience would help this year but alas alone again. What can I expect from Council as far as help goes with recruiting since we no longer have a DE? Would it be better for the Troop leaders to conduct a school recruiting event or just let it go until the Council finds someone willing to step into a large(8 county poor)district in the foothills of Applachia.

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Sorry to hear about your DE. We had the same problem for a while, a DE who would not do their job, one leaving, and a brand new one. I held my own school nights. As long as you have a good relationship with the Principal, it will be fine. Just make sure that you have a program ready, and do not promise the scouts something that you can not deliver on. YIS SM41

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I've been through it before too. About 1 out of 2 DEs we've had have been terrible. The good ones have been great, however. Unfortunately, the great ones always get promoted. When we've been without a DE, I've leaned on the Field Directors for support. Of course, they are our former DEs, so it makes it a little easier since we have a relationship.


Overall, I've been lucky. When we've needed a DE, a good one has been there. We're fortunate that are new DE is working out well (he's an EKU grad, coincidentally).


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"What can I expect from Council as far as help goes with recruiting since we no longer have a DE? Would it be better for the Troop leaders to conduct a school recruiting event or just let it go until the Council finds someone willing to step into a large(8 county poor)district in the foothills of Applachia."


First I would call your District Chairman and ask him/her what the plan is. They have probably been in touch with the Scout Executive or Field Director and know what is happening.


I would also plan on doing your own recruitment, regardless of whether you had a DE or not. District and council is there to support your program, not to be your program. Never rely on someone else to do the most important things for you. Welcome their help, draw on their resources, but always be in control your own needs.


Hope this helps,


(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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As BW recommends, first contact your District Chairman. But also contact your District Commissioner and your Unit Commissioner. These folks are there to support your program. It sounds like you know what to do as far as putting on a Recruiting Night, so get with these people and enlist their aid. Also meet with your ASMs and Troop Committee and come up with a plan and then put it into motion. I have always felt that going up the chain is the next step. Contact your Council office and let them know what you need and when (Fliers, form, mailings, etc...).Then follow up and hold them accountable. Another resource to use is your fellow district SMs. Contact them and ask them how they have solved this problem.


YIS, baschram645

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I feel very spoiled in that the DE who serves our great district is wonderful. She has been with us for seven years. I was the Assistant District Commissioner for Cub Scouts when she joined the district. Our then District Chair. not only knew his stuff but was/is a great teacher. He really showed her the ropes. I went on to work with her as District Commissioner and now I'm in year two of my three year stint as District Chair. We are really very good friends.

As a key3 we lean on each other a lot. Her strong point is administration. I am more of a people person, with a fair know how of how this game is played. Our District Commissioner who I have had serious second thoughts about due to an ego the size of the great outdoors, is at long last starting to settle down. He is a very likable chap.

We meet weekly and most days we "Talk" either on the phone or by E-mail. I like to think that we are on the same page. Sad as it might be if one of us were to not be there anymore we would manage and the district would be in good hands.

My reasons for thinking this are:

We are in the business of supporting the units. How much or how little support is dependent on many things. The health of the unit, the manpower and resources that the unit has on hand and the experience of the adults in the unit. Also sad as it is to say it, a lot can depend on the attitude of the adults in the unit. Some units think that the words Council and District are just plain nasty.

We have Chairs. within the district that develop plans in certain areas: Finance, Membership, Program, Training. Outdoor Program, Marketing and Advancement. At times the plans of the Council is the plan that the district will follow. However we are not bound to follow that plan. At times we will go our own way. All of this is discussed at the district meeting and goals are set. Most of these goals are things that can be and ought to be accomplished within 30 days. The chairman for whatever committee is held accountable for reaching these goals. I hold our DE accountable for checking that these goals are being met. If they are not we as a key3 try to find out why not and see what we can do to get the ball moving in the right direction.

When it comes to recruitment the district membership committee has a district plan for recruiting. The plan is made known to the units and yes at times there is a little arm twisting. But the unit can take all of the plan, part of the plan or none of it. We have a lot of schools in the district, I would never dream about the DE attending the recruitment drive. The district can support the unit with marketing the event providing fliers and making contact with the School District. If a unit needs help with the event that is a job for a member of the membership committee. This need will be communicated via the Unit Commissioner to the District Commissioner and he will make it known at the District Committee meeting where all the different committees can network and get the job done.

A fairly good rule of thumb is "Never Let A Professional Do Anything That A Volunteer Can Do."


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DE's are important but the Scouting program is very important.


Find out who is the best person for the job of School Night Chairman, recruit that person for the job and then back them up 100% with as many supporters as you can round up to make them look great.


Decorate that person at the Annual Dinner.


Next year, get them as the Head of the Committee to find a replacement or, by golly, do it again. Make them look even better. Sprinkle with a generous supply of Scouting Spirit each time.


Decorate them all over again at the Annual Dinner.


DE's will come and go but the foothills of Appalachia will be there for a long time to come and so will the beloved people that are of the land.


I could almost write a song.




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