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Hello again,

The Council Advancement Chair in my council has said that all partials for badges that have been rewritten (Personal Management) are invalid and that boys must start over from square one. I need to know where to find the policy in writting so I can convince the powers that be that these boys can complete the badge as begun before the changes were anounced. Help BoB White

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As you already realize LongHaul, he is incorrect. You will find the evidence in the Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures manual. It will explain that the scout can complete the Merit badge under the requirements he began with. I do not have mine available or I could give you the page #, perhaps another poster will assist.


I would leave this decision between the Scout and his counselor. Take computers for instance. The scout would probably much rather learn the MB with today's technology and information rather than under the outdated material. But that is still for the scout and counselor to determine.(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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I am amazed that the boys still have their partial blue cards to even have that situation! My own boys only evidence of previous work is usually just a wadded up ball of blue paper after it has gone thru the wash a few times in their Scout pants.


That solves the problem except for how to tell the council person that they are wrong and get over it! With volunteers in an organization like BSA it is different that in corporate business where people just say, "You are wrong do it this other way." To continue to get the needed cooperation with volunteers some finesse may be necessary to get the corrections made. The council person has no doubt told other people tha same incorrect information about MB updates and making the change could be embarrasing... not just "sending a memo" to fix it. Wish you success with that.(This message has been edited by KA6BSA)

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I have never heard of anything like that. Every badge form that I have ever seen signed by a MB counselor as complete has been accepted by all other parties, including the council. How would they even know about this? We don't submit the blue forms, only the advancement sheet.


Edited part: At the university, after a freshman enters a degree program there are often curriculum changes before his degree is completed. Every program that I have been involved with has carefully applied the degree requirements that were in effect on entry to that student until the student graduates. It is considered a binding contract and it seems a fair policy as well.(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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There is one case that can force degree requirements changes. If the degree program is acredited by some group and they revise their standards or find the university is not complying with standards, then the requirements would have to change if the student wants an accredited degree. I knew one person that happened to.

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I think you are correct about that but in that case, the university is not forcing the change. Rather the acrediting agency is forcing the change. In cases of this that I have heard of (very few) there is usually a grace period associated with the change. The circumstance you mention should be very rare.

There is one other, though, that may occur more often. If lack of funding forces a degree program to close, that can happen quickly and could force unexpected changes for numerous students.

But my point was that it seems like the MB counselor should have the latitude to stick to the requirements that were in effect when the scout started the MB. Seems only fair.


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I couldn't find reference to this in any of the publications I have. I have sent an inquiry to National and am waiting for a reply.

To answer some questions from your replies,

packsaddle asked how council would know which requirements were used. In my council we have to turn in the blue cards when we turn in advancement reports. The portion which has the requirements listed on it is held by council, in our case they pass through the hands of the advancement chair. Also this question was brought up at the District Roundtable and my District Advancement chair is aware of this case. I was told flat out that when an advancement report for this scout is turned in the badge will not be accepted by council unless the new requirements are met. Yes, I know all of this is being done wrong. But those in power can do as they please unless someone can stop them. I could have the boy turn in a fresh blue card but then I would be doing what they are doing and telling the boy that it is OK to bend the rules. The boy just turned 17 so we have time to redo if necessary but standing up for what is right is part of being "Brave". The messages I send these boys will come back to me in kind in thier own time.

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As a Scoutmaster I kept a list of what merit badges I had given a scout a bluecard for. I kept the list on a couple of index cards in my pocket. every know and then in the course of casual converstaions with a scout I would glance at the card and ask them how they were doing on the MB.


I kept light, a reminder to them that I knew what they had started. It's their effort, their badge, their rank. The less I pushed the more it was theirs.

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BW, I like that idea. Some of the boys I know need less 'encouragement' than others but it's good to let them know that the leader is interested and knowledgeable of their status. Knowing the boy is necessary but your suggestion is a way to know, at a glance, his advancement status as well.

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