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Social Science Corrupted by Politics

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Maybe a child raised in a loving home with mother & Father is the best.. But, I can tell you from personal experience that a child raised in a home with a mother & father who no longer love each other, or where one or both parents are abusive is worse then being raised in a home with a single mother (or single father).. And I would imagine many children who are being raised by a homosexual couple will tell you that it is far more preferable then being an unwanted child who is simply "in the system".. Are you also advocating that if a parent dies, the child should be ripped away from the surviving parent in order to be placed in a family with a mother & Father??


Life is what it is.. You can not conform it to fit into your definition of what is politically correct.


Although my sisters and I had some emotional adjustments over being of a divorced home in the '60's when it was a bad stigma to carry.. All of us believe looking back it was much better for us then our parents staying together for the sake of the kids.. I also feel the adjustment was made far harder for us than need be by the teachers, ministers and neighbors who wrote us off as not being able to amount to much due to being from a divorced family.. Thank goodness we had a very strong mother who protected us where she could, and taught us to rise above the negativity of the small minded, and prove them wrong.

I'd agree that it may be better for parents to split up if there is abuse (physical, verbal, emotional) in the house. The demographic stats in countries which have a longer history of same-sex marriages show that relationships between cohabiting homosexuals (married or not) are inherently more unstable than heterosexual couples (married or not).


A study that looked at legally registered same-sex couples in Scandinavia, published in the academic journal Demography, found that even though same-sex couples enter their legal unions at older agesâ€â€a marker related to greater relational stabilityâ€â€male same-sex marriages break up at twice the rate of heterosexual marriages.


And the break-up rate for lesbians? It is a stunning 77 percent higher than that of same-sex male unions. When controlling for possible confounding factors, the “risk of divorce for female partnerships actually is more than twice that for male unions.†(http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4137233?uid=3739552&uid=2&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21103248112033)


Marriage of same sex couples seems to increase the risk of instability, A British study of two generations of British couples (one born in 1958, the other 1970) in same-sex cohabiting, opposite-sex cohabiting, and heterosexual marriage relationships found the same-sex relationships are dramatically more likely to break up than the opposite-sex cohabiting and married relationships. The probabilities of the various relationships surviving to the four- and eight-year anniversaries are dramatic. After four years, 88 percent of married opposite sex couples are together, 67 percent of opposite-sex cohabiting couples, and only 37 percent of same-sex cohabitors. After eight years, those numbers fall to 82 percent, 60 percent, and 25 percent, respectively. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2012.01000.x/abstract


A study by the very LGBT-friendly National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS) , found “a significant difference†in family dissolution rates when comparing lesbian with mother–father headed families, 56 percent and 36 percent respectively. (http://www.nllfs.org/images/uploads/pdf/NLLFS-adolescents-sexuality-2010.pdf)


So, being raised in a household where the caregivers are homosexual increases the likelihood that the child would experience greater instability, relocation, changes of schools, etc, and be exposed to greater repeated trauma from parental conflict. This would give support to preferentially assigning custody to the parent who is not homosexual, if this is not an adoptive situation, or to preferentially awarding adoption to a heterosexual couple, if possible.

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