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Historical, but not Scout Related


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If you will permit me to ask an un - Scout related question -


I was just talking to a friend who was telling me about a comedy album from mid 1963. He could not remember who did it, but it sounded like it might be a group similiar to the Congresional Steps. This album was a spoof of the Kennedys. It had a track of JFK having a summit with Castro, Kruschev, and other world leaders at which they called for take out lunch. It also had a spoof of Jackie doing a tour of the White house in which JFK fumbles himself into the scene.


As I understand, it was pulled from the market right after his assaniation. I realize the sensitive nature of people concerning his death, and I'm not trying to be insesitive. But this sounds hilarious. Has anyone ever heard of this, and could you tell me the name of the album and the name of the group? I'm thinking someone like OGE, who has shown some remarkable abilities to come up with song lyrics, might have this one somewhere under the grey dome.


I'd appreciate anything anyone can share. Thanks!



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I'll check that one out, but knowing you, I'm sure you're right. And if so, wasn't I right? I knew you'd have that one at your fingertips!


How've you been? Haven't heard or seen a whole lot from you here. Everything OK?


Thanks for the help. I'm going to go on a search for the album now.



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Thank You Mark, I have not been all that chipper lately. The diagnosis of Diabetes was only the first thing I learned this year. The medicine I am on for my vasculitis (Prednisone) is making my vision blurry so I tend to save my eyes for my work. I still look over the Forum, but have decided to only repond when I think I can make a worthwhile contribution and if someone has nailed the answer or expressed what I would have, I let it go.


On the other hand, I am hard at making a Capote at LV's suggesiton, will have a picture when I am done. I figure if I have to hang around the campfire, I may as well develop a story telling charactor, so besides the Ballad of William Sycamore and the Night I cremated Sam MCgee, anyone know any good poems I could learn?

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I'm sorry, I had forgotten the health issues you face. I hope things begin to go your way. It's sad that it has reduced your activity here, but I understand completely.


The First Family was right on the mark ,and I have a bid for a copy on E Bay right now. I'll let you know what I think once I get a chance to hear it.


It suprises me little that you would want to assume a fictional identity. With some of the things that have been written by and about you, you sound like you'd be a blast at a campout. Adding appropriate clothing to enhance the scene seems just like you. I like my Troop (yeah I said my), but I sure wish I could experience yours. It sounds like a blast.


Good luck with your health. I can only imagine how tough life would be with the added difficulties of diabetes, etc. I'll be saying a prayer or four for you.




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