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Recruiting for Venturing

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To all Youth ages 14-21, adult leaders in BSA and Girl Scouts ages 14-21. A unique program exists known as Venturing, it is the young adult program of the Boy Scouts of America, many crews are co-ed, and outdoor adventure oriented, adventure and fun are some of the things that Venturing is known for, also youth run crews, Sea Scouting is fun at sea, sailing, scuba and other fun activities, their units are known as ships. Arts and Hobbies,photography, acting, music,theater are some things Arts and Hobbies crews can do, Religious Life are crews that are close to religious institutions. and Sports where youth do physical fitness and sports activities that challenge them. Venturers can be from 14-21 years old, many crews are male and female (co-ed) but some crews are all male and others could be all female. The recommended crews and ships are co-ed. Venturing is all about youth/adult interaction sharing the same interests that adults do, Youth leadership in the crew. Each year crew officers are elected by the youth members of the crew. These are the youth officers that run the crew for the next year. Adults only advise and help youth in areas where they need the adult help.

Venturers have done the Alps, Scuba off the Florida Keys, produce a play, Sail off of Bermuda, Helped Cub Scouts with outdoor activities.

Venturing is all about adventure, challenge, and fun. Hey can Venturing challenge you today?

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