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Scout Foods


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I am looking for different kinds of foods (menus) that Scouts from around the world use when they go camping.


I am trying to put together a "International" Court of Honor, remembering our fellow Scouts in differing countries, and the foods that they eat.







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Heres Camp menu from the UK ( weekend camp)



Supper : soup with bread cob, Tea/coffe/hot chocolate, biscuits ( to dunk in the hot drinks)

this is based on the Scouts arriving at camp after 6pm, having previously eaten a meal before arriving at camp



Breakfast - Cereals, Sausages Beans and Egg.

Lunch: Bread, with a choice of sandwich fillings ( ie cheese, pickle, ham, fish paste, meat paste, etc) Salad, fresh fruit, crisps, small chocolate bar ( ie two finger kit kat) cold drink ( ie squash)

Tea: Chicken Curry, chocolate sponge pudding

Supper: hot Drinks, biscuits.



Breakfast: Cereals, Bacon+ Sasuage+egg+mushroom Cobs.

Lunch: Sandwiches+fresh fruit


A few variations may be a hot lunch if its during winter, Fish and Chips for Tea, depending upon camp budget and the campsite location.








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