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Scout uniform at fundraisers???

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What lessons do we wish to teach our youth?


Yah, I reckon da lessons we want to teach our youth are about the truth, eh?


And the truth is that they can wear their uniform to school if they want to or when they mow their lawn or are bicycling around their neighborhood. It's their clothing. They paid for it. Levi Strauss can't tell us all that we're not allowed to wear Levis blue jeans while attending a conservative political rally.


Yeh see, if we teach kids about citizenship, we begin by teachin' 'em about freedom.


Da BSA's trademark protection is a very limited grant of exclusivity that depends on context. And if yeh know how to read the legalese of the Unit Money Earning Application then yeh recognize that while it overreaches, it really is describin' only those circumstances where the BSA has a cognizable claim to that limited protection.


So as long as you are conducting a unit activity, including a fundraiser used for Scouting, and clearly state that the proceeds go to Troop 1234 chartered to St. Sebastian's Home for Wayward Rascals, you're doin' just fine. Assumin' of course yeh aren't running a casino or gettin' Venturer young ladies to dance a striptese or somesuch. ;)




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I didn't mean that an Eagle would turn a blind eye to health violations. It is entirely possible however that an Eagle might be a tad more understanding of where a scout troop is coming from and take a little more time giving them the ins and outs of what they need to do to have a smooth inspection.


We had a scout who had to submit his Eagle project for a building permit. At the time our permit department did not have a reputation for helpfulness (this has since changed). The code official who spoke to the scout was an Eagle and he took extra time to make sure that he knew exactly what was required to get the permit, what he would need to do to arrange inspection and what the inspector would be looking for. It took a lot of the guess work out of the process.


Would the same code official have been as helpful if it was a homeowner building a deck instead of a Boy Scout erecting some flagpoles? Maybe, but I think the Eagle connection grease the skids.


That's what I'm talking about.


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in one i agree this reason is for the fact of simply getting your uniform dirty it is just a way to keep your uniform as neat as possible for a formal occasion such as a cerimony or even a simple flag ceramony in which case you can wear a class B now i have a friend who on a camporee he lost his luggage and he lost his uniform with it so all he can wear is a class B but the point is as long as you have an appren you should be fine with a class A

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