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Nope, you're not alone.


I could vote for Ron Paul, but that's it.


If any of the others are the choices, I'll just pick the Communist or Libertarian. That way, I'll have a clear conscious that the idiot in The White House isn't there because of me.

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I'm not thrilled with the slate of candidates. That being said, any of them would be head and shoulders above the disaster in chief we currently have. I believe what he has "accomplished" can be reversed if he isn't relected. Whether we can survive an additional 4 years of him is doubtful.

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Engineer , any vote cast for anyone other than the Rep candidate regardless of how repugnant he may be, and some of them are, is a vote for the current Idiot in Chief. Need proof? Remember Ross Perot? If he were not in the race in 92 Slick Willy is never elected and HW serves 4 more years and noone ever hears the name Monica Lewinski. Splitting the vote is not the way to go.

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