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Pro American parts of the Country.

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"She did later say that she basically meant the entire country, but it's pretty clear that's NOT what meant when she first said it."


Of course and when Obama backpedalled on saying that most whites are racist, we all accepted that too.


"I think most people would probably define the "real America" as the kind of place THEY live."


Not for me. I live in a suburb of a big city where neighbors don't want to talk and strangers think you're crazy if you say "hello."

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I know in my heart what she meant. That is to say, what my gut reaction was when I heard the comment. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I dare say I've made some dunder-headed comments myself. Things said innocently enough, but inferred by others to mean something other than what I meant. We are probably all guilty of that.


But, while I'm willing to give her the benefit of doubt, I cannot say that my republican friends have been willing to give Michelle Obama the same benefit in regards to her comments about being really proud of America. I know what she meant when she said that - others, not so much.

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"from sea to shining sea" plus Hawaii and Alaska.





O beautiful, for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties

Above the fruited plain!

America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.


O beautiful, for pilgrim feet

Whose stern, impassioned stress

A thoroughfare for freedom beat

Across the wilderness!

America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw;

Confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law!


O beautiful, for heroes proved

In liberating strife,

Who more than self their country loved

And mercy more than life!

America! America! May God thy gold refine,

'Til all success be nobleness, and ev'ry gain divine!


O beautiful, for patriot dream

That sees beyond the years,

Thine alabaster cities gleam

Undimmed by human tears!

America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!


Katharine Lee Bates (1895)



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Ah, I see a few more Republicans have stumbled into the pro-America anti-America morass.


Here we have NC Republican Robin Hayes:

"Rep. Robin Hayes (R-N.C.) has conceded that he did tell a North Carolina crowd that "liberals hate real Americans that work and accomplish and achieve and believe in God," even though he initially denied making such a statement.


Now he says he didnt mean it that way and he was just trying to rev up a campaign rally. " http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/14797.html


And here we have Minnesota Republican Michelle Bachmann saying Obama might have anti American views, that some of her other Senate colleagues might also be anti American, that there should be a media expose to find out, and then denying that she ever questioned Obama's (or anyone else's) patriotism in the first place!



Bachmann's (previously anemic) opponent apparently raised $800K already this week as a result of her comments.


Are there any other October surprise Republican nut jobs out there? Because I hear that there are still a few under-funded Democrats running in close races out there who could use a boost. (sheesh!)

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"Real America", in all it's glory, is wherever I happen to be at that moment in time.


"Real America" went with me on deployments, operations, exercises whether they were "Practice" or "Real World" events to more than 20 different nations over more than 20 years as I did my bidding for the country I served. (Simply traveling thru a country didn't get it on the list above.)


Everywhere I went, I found real people with real concerns. And in some of those places where I had other "Real Americans" with me we were able to do service projects on "our own" time for towns or orphanages and thus promote "Real America" to them in the midst of what ever else we were doing at our governments bidding.


Real America still exists today, even here at home - and I hope it exists in ALL of my fellow Scouters - WHATEVER their political persuasion may be. :)


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It has always dumbfounded me how anyone can actually believe that a person would run for any political office and actually believe that the person "hates" America or Americans. If you hate your country and fellow citizens, why in the world would you want to be elected to a high office of that country. Just doesn't make sense.


But then again, we seem to have some Scout leaders who give every indication of hating the BSA.

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They run for office because they want POWER. The power to remake the country that they hate into what they think the country should be.


The anti-gun crowd falls into that category. As do the people who want cameras on every corners. As well as the folks who want to give the FBI the authority to read our emails and monitor our phone calls.

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The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections. Lord Acton (1834-1902) [remember the year 2000!]


He is the same historian who wrote famously


Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.


That pretty well sums up eight years of Bush/Cheney and now we are living with the consequences of their abuse of power.


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