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Most think founders wanted Christian USA

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Most think founders wanted Christian USA





By Andrea Stone, USA TODAY


Most Americans believe the nation''s founders wrote Christianity into the Constitution, and people are less likely to say freedom to worship covers religious groups they consider extreme, a poll out today finds.


The survey measuring attitudes toward freedom of religion, speech and the press found that 55% believe erroneously that the Constitution establishes a Christian nation. In the survey, which is conducted annually by the First Amendment Center, a non-partisan educational group, three out of four people who identify themselves as evangelical or Republican believe that the Constitution establishes a Christian nation. About half of Democrats and independents do.


Most respondents, 58%, say teachers in public schools should be allowed to lead prayers. That is an increase from 2005, when 52% supported teacher-led prayer in public schools.


More people, 43%, say public schools should be allowed to put on Nativity re-enactments with Christian music than in 2005, when 36% did.


Half say teachers should be allowed to use the Bible as a factual text in history class. That''s down from 56% in 2000. Charles Haynes, a senior scholar at the First Amendment Center, says the findings are particularly troubling during a week when the top diplomat in Iraq gave a report to Congress on progress toward achieving democracy there. "Americans are dying to create a secular democracy in Iraq, and simultaneously a growing number of people want to see a Christian state" here, he says.


Haynes says the Constitution "clearly established a secular nation where people of all faiths or no faith are protected to practice their religion or no religion without governmental interference."


Rick Green of WallBuilders, an advocacy group that believes the nation was built on Christian principles, says the poll doesn''t mean a majority favors a "theocracy" but that the Constitution reflects Christian values, including religious freedom. "I would call it a Christian document, just like the Declaration of Independence," he says.


The "scariest" number, in Haynes'' opinion, is that only 56% agree that freedom of religion applies to all groups "regardless of how extreme their beliefs are." That''s down from 72% in 2000. More than one in four say constitutional protection of religion does not apply to "extreme" groups.


Haynes says many Americans consider Islam extreme, especially since the Sept. 11 attacks. But he says Roman Catholics were viewed that way in the 19th century, and some people still consider Mormons "on the fringe."


"We are seeing the product of years of not teaching the First Amendment at a young age," says Gene Policinski, the center''s executive director. "People are applying their own values rather than educated knowledge" of the Constitution.


Still, he says, support for constitutional freedoms has rebounded from a low the year after 9/11, when 49% said the First Amendment "goes too far in the rights it guarantees." Now, 25% agree.


Other findings:


Seventy-four percent say public school students should not be allowed to wear a T-shirt with a message or picture that others might find offensive, more than at any time since the survey began in 1997.


About a third, 34%, believe the press "has too much freedom" the lowest percentage in 10 years but most distrust the news media. Sixty percent disagree with the statement that the news media try "to report the news without bias."


Not all questions in the poll were asked every year. The survey of 1,003 adults Aug. 16-26 has a margin of error of +/3.2 percentage points.






Beliefs reflected in an Aug. 16-26 survey:


The First Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees: 25%


Public schools should be allowed to put on Nativity reenactments with Christian music: 43%


Teachers and public school officials should be allowed to lead prayers in schools: 58%


Public school teachers should be able to use the Bible as literature in English class: 80%


Public school students should be allowed to wear T-shirts with messages or pictures that might offend others: 22%


The Constitution establishes a Christian nation

Agree: 55%

Disagree: 41%

Other: 4%


Falsifying stories is a big problem in the news media

Agree: 52%

Disagree: 34%

Other: 4%


The media try to report the news without bias

Agree: 37%

Disagree: 60%

Other: 3%


The press has too much freedom

1999: 53%

2007: 34%

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There are layers and layers of agendas here.


Way back in AP history, Miss Harper taught us a key reason for America''s founding was access to religious freedom. Whether we speak of Pilgrims, Jews, Lutherans, what have you... faith in God was a key component of people''s lives.


At the Second Continental Congress, the introduction to our Declaration of Independence itself demonstrates the Founders wanted faith in God as part of the character of life.


If you jump to the Federalist papers, you find the Framers believed freedom TO WORSHIP was essential, and that it was not Government''s business how you and I interacted with God.


Fast forward to 1947 and Justice Douglas. That''s the trouble point.


Now, both sides of the equation, and I admit to being conservative and Christian, are polarized in positions.


Last night I heard Pat Buchanan discussing the Balkanization of America as regards the language used in the Presidential debates. Language and immigration are not the only issues where our salad bowl nation is Balkanizing.


I have said my peace here. May you go in peace.

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