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Philadelphia Gets Tough on Violators

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Philadelphia Gets Tough on Violators





By: Michael P. Tremoglie, Special To The Evening Bulletin


Philadelphians are being gunned down in record numbers - mostly by people who were previously convicted of violent crimes, or acquitted of violent crimes, by one of Philadelphia's legendary lenient judges.


The Street administration's response to the carnage was a typical liberal one - blame gun laws. Never mind the reams of evidence that state that more guns owned by honest citizens deter crime, the Street administration follows the failed liberal Democrat doctrine to reduce crime - ban guns. Never mind that the perpetrators are mostly those with criminal records who are not in jail as they should be because the court system in Philadelphia is user friendly for violent criminals. They either do not lock them up or, if they do, it is not for long.


However, the Street administration - in astunning reversal of policy - has decided to get tough with at least one group. Yessiree Bob, hizzoner is going to crack the whip with one group. The mayor is going to show that he will get tough on people who violate Philadelphia's laws.


What nefarious group is the mayor got in his sights?


Why it is that notorious band of desperadoes - the Boy Scouts. They are going to be evicted from their rent free digs on Logan Circle. Since 1928 the Scouts have been provided with rent free offices at 22d and Winter Streets courtesy of the Philadelphia City Council.


Why, you may ask, is the mayor taking such drastic action?


The mayor is taking this draconian step because the Boy Scouts are dangerous. They are subversives. They are --- discriminating.


Yes, citizens of Philadelphia, the Boy Scouts are deemed to be bigots because they do not allow gays to be scout leaders. This is not illegal by the way. The US Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that it is legal for the Scouts to do so.


This policy upsets Philadelphia's very influential gay community. Therefore the city of Philadelphia creatively interpreted a city ordinance concerning "fair-practices" which prohibits discrimination in "employment, housing, public accommodations and the delivery of City services." They applied this to the Boy Scouts rent-free office and said the Scouts were violating the law and they would get tough on them and throw them out.


One would think that if the Boy Scouts were a group of hit men they would probably be enlisted to work in Democratic Party election campaigns. The problem is the Boy Scouts upset a key Democratic Party constituency. So they have to go.


A guy who is arrested for shooting someone is acquitted and subsequently murders a cop. Don't get tough on him or the judge that acquitted him.


Another guy with multiple prior arrests tries to kill someone and kills a little kid instead. Don't throw the book at him.


Members of city council and the Street administration are convicted of corruption. Don't get tough on them.


Nope, Philadelphia's liberal media, Philadelphia's liberal Democrat leadership, and Philadelphia's ruling liberal elite are understanding and compassionate towards murderers, corrupt politicians, crooked lawyers, and robbers. Yet if you are a philanthropic organization who crosses Democrat campaign contributors look out. They will throw you out into the street.


Maybe Philadelphia should put a sign on the approaches to the city. You have seen the ones currently in place that say, "Enjoy our past, experience our future." Maybe the city should change that to read, "Boy Scouts Go Home" or "Boy Scouts need not apply".


Yeah, Philadelphia really has its priorities straight (no pun intended) when it comes to cracking down on violators. Next thing they'll do is pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of Girl Scout cookies.


Let the book burning begin in Rittenhouse Square.

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