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Changing attitudes about training

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Ive been asked to be on the District Training Committee.

As I have already been on Staff for SM/Outdoor training and Scouting University I thought I would attend last nights meeting.


I found out that this is the first time the Committee has met in over a year. At this meeting were myself, the new District Training Chair, the old District Training Chair (he stepped down due to having a stoke) and another SM (I think he was only there as he keys to where we were meeting). I was told that 1 other person couldnt make it but would be on the Committee.

One thing I had noticed that even though my District is the biggest in size, in numbers of Scouts and Leaders, number of Packs and Troops and in size of the general population, except for the district that is 3-4 hours away, there were few people from my district on these training staffs and in attendance.

I was kind of suprized at how small thedistrict staff was as the last 2 council training chairs have come from my district.


One of the biggest laughs came when I asked why the districts UC's couldm't help out with getting our units trained.

I was told that one of the reasons was that no one knew exactly who the UCs are and most of the UCs they did know about were ineffective.

I was told at the last commissioners meeting, one UC said their units were doing good, but didnt know the names of any of the unit leaders they were working with.


So, my question is how do you start changing attitudes about getting people to training?


One thing the committee wants to do is to start offering training at Roundtables again.

The Roundtable commissioners are against this but the committee feels that we need to start somewhere and this seemed to be the most likely choice.


I know things wont change overnight but I would like to have some ideas on where to start.



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Frankly, I'd start with my own needs assessment. Visit the units. Talk with the SMs, CMs, and CCs. Get a gut feel for what's happening in the District. How is NLE working? What about the outdoor curriculum?


THEN ...


Look at all the curricula. Figure out what the bite sizes of your elephant are, and have fun.


In my District, the Training Committee runs the following trainings EVERY MONTH AT ROUNDTABLE:

- CS/BS Youth protection. (Venturing YP is a more complex package)

- New Leader Essentials Common Core.

- Merit Badge Counselor.


Let us know how we can help you :)

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Please don't get me wrong.

But I think you must be NUTS!!

There is no way you can start a new unit and get involved in overhauling a broken down committee.

OJ has a T-shirt that reads:

"What Part Of NO Don't you understand"

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You are 100% right.

I just had this conversation with my wife last night asking how I was going to do both.


I had agreed to be on The Training Committee months ago when the Ship was still just a dream of mine, its just taken this long for them to get around to have a meeting.

I also didn't know how big a mess the district was in.


I had spent months trying to get the ship started.

Now that I have a CO things have started to takeoff.


I already have had boats offered to the ship and I don't even have a committee yet!

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