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Brownsea Double Two and "old" Wood Badge

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As a youth member back in the 70's, I was fortunate to attend Brownsea Double Two, which was the Ozarks Council's choice for youth leader training during the time of "All Out for Scouting." I attended Wood Badge early last summer (which was a great experience) and at that time started reading the posts regarding Wood Badge and adult leader training. Brownsea Double Two was based upon Baden Powell's Brownsea Island camp, and focused on scoutcraft skills, the patrol method, leadership and the like, and even included the overnight camp away from camp. Brownsea was a week-long program that, while not requiring a "ticket" did involve follow-up activities including an "All Out for Scouting" weekend in the fall following the training. At the AOfS weekend, the Brownsea troop members were presented with brown neckerchiefs (bordered with yellow piping) with the Brownsea and AOfS patches sewn on it. That neckerchief is one of my scouting treasures. Anyway, after reading posts regarding "old" vs. "new" Wood Badge, my impression is that the "old" Wood Badge was very much like the Brownsea Double Two experience. Obviously the age of the target audiences was different, but all things considered, how close was "old" Wood Badge to Brownsea Double Two?


Thanks. And, special thanks to Brownsea Scoutmaster "Doc" Townsend.



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Gives a brief history and explanation of the Brownsea Double Two program. Although it is not currently an official BSA training, it looks like a great program and a close approximation of the Wood Badge experience, with similar rich traditions.


The BSA has a record of making changes and adjustments to their program over the years and although the core aims and goals of scouting have remained basically the same, the needs of the boys and how they are presented the necessary learning experiences (i.e. the methods) has gone through several modifications.


As the article states, there were some major changes in the BSA around 1970. Boys dont really change fundamentally, however their environment does. And the BSA moves right along with it. In the last 35 years or so, mass media, internet, and technology have afforded youth many more choices, opportunities and challenges. In order to achieve their mission, To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. the BSA must be able to come up with programs which can compete with, and in some cases, combat the influences which try to divert and distract boys from the morals and values the BSA is teaching.


I apologize for rambling. I dont mean to go on and on about this and I am sure you are already aware.


I am not surprised that similar programs have been created in many areas which attempt to achieve the same goals. As Scouters like you and I see a need, we either find the resources that have already been put in place, or we do whatever is necessary to fill the need. Case in point, our council has an intense Cub Leader Training called Silver Wolf which is patterned after the Wood Badge training. This was created to fill a need. Our Cub leaders needed a specialized training which addressed issues related specifically to the Cub Program. It would not surprise me to find similarly designed programs in other areas.


Wood Badge has already changed since I went through the course. And I would expect that in 30 years, the BSA will have made other significant changes, and my perception today will have to adapt to the new changes at that time.


I am sure the BSA does not intend to invalidate achievements that have been made in the past, but we look to the future and the future is our youth. Wood Badge today is ultimately for the benefit of the youth, as it has always been. Lets not get hung up with what we miss about the good old days when we were in Wood Badge or other trainings which no are no longer being presented. The program has changed, and it will change again.



Eagle Pete

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