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How about going to Philmont Training Center

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Allow me to take some bandwidth to promote Philmont Training Center.


I would encourage each of you to give serious consideration to attending a seminar in an area of scouting that brings you the greatewst joy. It might be the volunteer role you have now, or one you want to fill someday.


Philmont is 137,000 acres of beautiful country in North east new Mexico. While you attend a week of seminars with some of the most dedicated scout volunteers from around the coiuntry (and beyond) your family will be busy taking part in staffed programs that they will remember for years to come. After just one vist my son at 11 years ols said he wouldn't ask to go to Disney World ever again if he could go back to Philmont.


There are activities for every member of the family young or old alike. My wife after having down a week of museums and hikes now enjoys sighting in the garden near the beautiful Villa Philmonte with a camera in hand, a comfy chair and a good book. She gets wonderful wildlife shots and comes hope more relaxed than from any other vacation we go on.


The cost for a family is incredibly inexpensive when you realize that the cost covers a wide variety activities, food and shelter.


You'll enjoy seeing the scouts arrive and leave daily by the hundreds as they hike the web of trails of the Sangre de Cristo mountains.


You'll learn, share, recharge, reconnect and celebrate the greatness of this program.


Ask you District Executive about the course available this summer at Philmont Training Center.


See you there,



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My DE submitted my name to Philmont and I got a formal invitation in the mail...when I looked at the cost (not to mention the cost of flying to NM from the east coast, renting a car to get the rest of the way, and a week of vacation time), the invitation went in the trash. After supporting my Troop, FOS, popcorn, and paying for my own xerox copying for training sessions, I have to draw the line (actually, my wife draws that line for me) at spending another $1000 or more. I know it's considered a "family vacation" for some, but my family's not interested and we don't take vacations anyway. I'm happy that those who can afford it have a wonderful time. Since it's not "required" to punch a ticket for the Council, they will not pay for it, like they will to send someone to National Camp School so they can work at summer camp for 4 weeks, never to be heard from again. Sorry if this sounds negative, but that's the way it is on the other side of the coin. Maybe when my kids are out of college and I have more money than I know what to do with...maybe I'm just having a bad day...

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I just checked the current cost of Philmont for a family of four. Mom,dad, one teenager and one under 6 would be about $810 for 7 days. That's Room and board and all activities (no tipping allowed). Try visiting a 6ft mouse on that kind of budget.



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BW, I'm pretty sure I will follow my younger son into his troop in two years, so the Webelos course sounds like a better choice. Unfortunately, I already have a conflict that week. Is that the only week it is offered? Is there a Philmont Training Center website we can visit to check out the offerings this year?(This message has been edited by CubsRgr8)

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Three years ago,I packed the car, with Wife and son, and we set off to Philmont. I was attending the conference on District Service for Commissioners, which was great.

OJ, my son, was eleven at the time. He had the time of his life.

I had some conserns about Jamie, my wife, she is shy, not a great mixer. She was only going to keep the "Old Man" happy.

She came home with all sorts of neat crafts that she had done. She too had a great time.

I do have an up to date price list somewhere, but the cost at that time for the three of us was only $620.00

I think that I spent more then that in the Trading Post !!

After the conference, we did a tour of the area going to the Grand Canyon.

It ranks as one of the best vacations we as a family ever had.

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  • 3 months later...

Training at Philmont is by invitation only. However, getting an invitation usually isn't that difficult. Express an interest to any professional in your council office.


Once you're invited, you don't have to attend the course the nominator thought best suited to you. You should receive a course catalog -- or if not, there's at least one in your office-- and can request a change. If there's room in the course you'd like to take, you're in.


Some of us also nominate volunteers to give them the honor of the personal invitation from the Chief Scout Executive. If you receive one and you're not interested or can't go, go ahead and throw it away. But please feel honored. It means that someone in your council office felt that you would represent the council well and be a source of pride to the rest of the country . . .



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got back from Philmont and I just gotta say....Go if you can!!!

It was a truly outstanding week, from the first view of the tooth of time to the closing campfire, the program was outstanding. I met and made friends with fellow scouters from coast to coast and even Hawaii. It will take me a month to go over and process all the great information and program ideas that I am taking back with me. My son and daughter who accompanied me both said this week was better than the vacation at disneyworld. One thing that is momentous for the kids is the environment where they can be as free as the antelope and deer!!!

Called my wife and told her to sell everything and meet me out west! Had to go home to talk her into that...stay tuned

Seriously though, for a scouter, like myself, a little on the burnt side, Philmont Training Center was awe inspiring. The ideas that flowed back and forth from attendees and staff never ended, even when the class was over for the day. So go if you can!!!

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