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Probably should have started here...

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Hello. I'm new to the boards, have been directed here multiple times. I about shot my husband when he came home and said he volunteered to be Tiger Den Leader. We were already volunteering as coaches for our Park District. Anyway...2 years later, I've been the Membership Chair and just finished training someone so I can focus on being the Camping Chair, which I love. Our Pack does three Pack Campouts (Scout & Parent) and 1 museum overnight each year.


Anyways, looking for a Camp Activities thread for Pack Campouts. I've set this Fall's Campout up to be a chance for Den Leaders to get in some work on rank achievements and I hope for the Spring Campouts to be fun Pack Activities. Last April we did a 'Geocache Treasure Hunt' and then made Dreamcatchers with the Treasure. The boys loved this activity and I have to admit it was fun watching 25 dads/moms helping their scouts with the project. Next Spring I'm thinking towards a Fishing Derby. This Winter at our Cabin Campout I'm thinking something along the lines of Resourcefulness Crossed with Martians...but still working on this idea.


In April, one of the dads standing next to me said, I remember singing that song at camp. That's what I want to pass on to the boys in our Pack. The memories of how much fun they had being outside, what they did, what they learned. The songs that they sang, that their parents sang, the hikes in the woods. Now we're a bunch of suburbanites, but I really think all boys need this sort of activity, they need to get dirty, and I believe each parent should be willing to lose a couple nights of sleep to give their son's this experience, whether their son knows they want/need it or not.


In short.... Hello

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Welcome to the forums.. I don't know much about cubscouts as I have been away from it for some time. But just wanted to say welcome..


There may be some old threads on Camping activities for a pack? Some people can navagate the search tool here, but not me.. Otherwise most of us just go to the topics discussed in the last 24 hours (I even have my link set up so it sorts by time last posted to, in descending order.


It is just best that if you want to talk about it, create a new thread on that subject. Posting to an old topic will move the thread back into the list of posts withing the last 24 hours and

some newbies may go through each forum topic and pull out some long dead post to ask something new on it. But, that just is confusing, like do I need to re-read 5 pages of a year dead thread to find that the question being asked today is slightly different, and at the end of the dead subject..



Anyway we are always happy to run a topic around the flag pole for the umteenth time. With school starting up, boards look a little busier.. But, in the summertime we get board and pull out a topic or two that has been hashed over to death before, just to while away the time.

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Yes, welcome to the forums. Cub Scouts are my favorite. I say this having been den leader at nearly all of the age levels, and as cubmaster. I just love the cubs. They are so open and bright and fun. Plus they still haven't perfected the art of deception.

Enjoy it while you can. It won't last for long...you'll blink your eyes a couple of times and they'll be teenagers.(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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Welcome. Speaking as a husband I am glad you did not shoot him. Best not to encourage the others.


Cub Scouts is a lot of work but it is a cute, fun age. Remember to keep it focused on fun not advancement. I for one enjoyed the go-see-its almost as much as the boys. You never know what will impress them--the City incinerator/dump site was the biggest hit (trucks, huge piles of wreckage, furnaces, crushers, conveyor belts, flames!)


You can make some good adult friends camping. Try not to get wrapped up with the adult conflicts when they occur, and they will.


3 campouts and a museum visit is a pretty good program. How big is your Pack?

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Packsaddle, I think most haven't mastered the art of deception or even thought of working on it.... but I've got a couple are working on that badge. It's funny how quickly your eye can pick up on a boy or two in a group of 60 to check on once in a while. :) You are so right though and we are definitely enjoying this time. To me organizing these camps isn't work (except for collecting medical forms from procrastinating, inconsiderate parents...rant over). I volunteered to run the camps, because I have an expectation that there should be certain elements, including organized activities and a great campfire full of songs, skits, jokes, stories, etc.


Tampa Turtle: I agree. I love the Go See Its too. We are Bears this year. Next year we repeat Tiger with my youngest and I have to admit, I'm excited about doing Tiger year again and better this time. For the Bears this year we are going to an old corn mill that is a museum and was part of the Underground Railroad. We are visiting a conservationist who rescues North American animals like bears, wolves, skunk...he has a program about protecting these animals. We are going to raise money for the Humane Society and tour and learn about approaching strange dogs. Police station tour. I think we are going to try to build a display for 5 Pinewood Derby Cars in the Spring. The boys LOVE to build. We did bird houses, and outrageous marshmallow shooters last spring (I have the plan available if anyone needs one). Our den loves to build. I saw this 5 shelf display that I think the boys can build. It's very cool and holds 5 PWD cars.


I like the idea of the garbage/recycle place sounds great. Just what boys like. Our Pack is 60+. We hit 65 last year up from 56 the previous year. Some don't care for the growth. A Scouting mom literally across the street, she and I have been having a great time kicking it up a notch at the pack. I'm going to miss her involvement when her son leaves. He's a W1 this year. So everyone is thinking about succession in regards to the CC and CM who have boys that are W1, and I keep thinking about HER replacement for me. :) We lean on each other and help each other a lot. You're right about making some good friends in Scouts.



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I have boys about a year apart so the 2nd. boy benefits from what I have learned. Bears are fun.


Tigers are great in that they are pretty easily impressed. We used to have the occasional Boy Scout or Explorer do a presentation--the Tigers were in awe.


For Webelos we did PVC catapults, water rockets, etc. We had a neighbor who was a marine biologist (did autopsies of critters for state like when folks fish the wrong species)He brought in all sorts of (dead) specimens.


Any thing military was a hit and since so many military have families now it is a-lot easier to arrange than it used to be.


I find the police and fire tours are highly dependent on how engaged the tour guide is. For some reason the firefighters seemed more fun and let the kids climb all over the equipment.


We also did the maintenance yard for the local bus system and the streetcar barn. Also the local airport.


We did a behind the scenes tour of the zoo which was pretty cool.


60 is big enough IMHO. We had 120-150 boys so the Pack camp-outs got out of control.

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Andee741, Oh I think I understand what you mean about some of them. They're all susceptible to temptation to some degree. I sometimes think that with regard to food, for example, they are the moral equivalents of raccoons. I kind of enjoy watching them. Give them a piece of cake and a bowl of ice cream and the look of reverence on their faces is just sublime. Asleep they're angelic. Don't want to think about some of those other times...until we're ready to laugh at the memories.

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