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Parent w/Same Sex Partner

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If the two ladies are awesome like you saId, I'm sure they won't act like fools during den meetings and camp outs. It's all about the kid, not the parents. I'm sure they will help out the new Tiger Scout in getting his bends and belt loops. They should be thankful that they don't have a daughter and try to get her into the American Heritage Girls..... Good luck with that one.

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I am not sure that would be the point of view of the parents, especially when their son is older and they might want to be active leaders in a Boy Scout troop.


I can remember back in the sixties and early seventies older white southerners telling me that, "the coloreds like it this way." I was even told that they liked being called "n*ggers." Guess what, they didn't.


I suspect that the gay parents you mention do not like the way it is in the BSA but are choosing to live with it--for the time being--for the sake of their sons.

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Our Webelos parents have to be registered to attend resident camp. Parents are not required to attend with scouts like Bear camp, but in our pack, we get 100% parent participation, which means... they have to be registered with the BSA. For Bear camp, they don't. Can't say I understand the difference.

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> Your right....tiger parents are required to registered....forgot about that.


By who's requirement? I've never seen anyone who was a tiger parent registered as a scout leader unless they took a formal position in the unit.

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Hello Basement,



Your right....tiger parents are required to registered....forgot about that.


By who's requirement? I've never seen anyone who was a tiger parent registered as a scout leader unless they took a formal position in the unit. >>





A fine point, but not quite correct.


When a youth registers as a Scout, there is a box parents can check to be recognized as a "Scout Parent." They are making a pledge to support their youth in Scouting by checking that box.


The Scout Parent program is described in some detail on the youth leader application, and contains a referral to www.scoutparents.org for further information.



There is yet another box on the youth leader application that invites parents to select themselves as the Tiger Cub Adult Partner. Tiger Cub Adult Partners are listed as a separate group on the recharter application.


If the parent filling out and signing the application isn't going to be the Tiger Cub Adult Partner, presumably they would not check that box and they presumably wouldn't appear on the recharter as being the Tiger Cub Partner. But I don't really know how you would designate someone else to be the Tiger Cub Partner.


Neither Scout Parents nor Tiger Cub Adult Partners are registered Scout Leaders. Neither needs to complete Youth Protection Training, for example. No fees are collected for Tiger Cub Adult Partners or Scout Parents.


A parent can select themselves as a Scout Parent and as a Tiger Cub Adult partner and appear listed in both categories if they check the boxes.




I think I am correct on this, but parsing the BSA applications is a subject of seemingly unlimited subtlety. Perhaps someone will correct me if there are yet more fine points I don't have correct.(This message has been edited by seattlepioneer)

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BSA only requires a Tiger Adult Partner to fill out an adult application if the Adult Partner does not live at the same address as the the Tiger.


If the person filling in the info on the bottom half of the youth application to be Tiger Adult Partner (or ScoutParent) is not a parent, but does live at the same address as the Tiger, then all that is required is the parent's signature on the application.


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Hello Scout Nut,



After reading your post I reviewed the Adult Leader application to see how one might register as a Scout Parent or Tiger Cub Adult Partner.


There was no simple check box that might accomplish that purpose.


It looks like you would need to fill out the adult leader application and use position code AP to register as a Tiger Cub Adult or position code PS to register as a Scout Parent.


I googled up "BSA position codes and got the following:





A minor point --- a Tiger Cub Partner can be 18 years of age while a Scout Parent must be 21.(This message has been edited by seattlepioneer)



This leads me to beleive that a Tiger Cub can have as many registered Tiger Cub Adult Partners as desired, and that as many parents as desired could register as Scout Parents.


So BSA is presumably ready for the next advancement in the Sexual Liberation movement, since polygamous families will find that all of little Johnnie's Mommies and Daddies can register as Scout Parents or Tiger Cub Adult Leaders!

(This message has been edited by seattlepioneer)

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Tiger Adult Partners, and the rather silly ScoutParent, are signed up on the YOUTH application, NOT the adult one. There are "fill-in" radio buttons to designate the position(s) you are interested in.


No Youth protection, background check, or payment of fees, is required for either.


The BSA position codes you listed (AP & PS) are what ScoutNet spits out for recharter purposes after reading the filled in radio buttons on the youth application.


While you are reviewing the Adult Application, notice on page 2 that the only Unit Position Codes for Tigers, or ScoutParents listed for use on the adult app are that of TL - Tiger Cub den leader, and PC - ScoutParent unit coordinator. At the bottom of the list of applicable position codes it states clearly -


"ScoutParents (PS) and Tiger Cub adult partners (AP) complete the bottom portion of the youth application."



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Hello Scout Nut,






Well --- yes. But I'll bet you could use the Scout Parent or Tiger Cub Adult Leader codes if you want to, just like you can use other codes that aren't listed, such as the College Scouter Reserve.


Now remember, you got me started on this with your earlier post:





What are you trying to do --- turn me into a Scout Nut too? We have only room for ONE of those!



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