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I think I mentioned this before, but I recently bought one of those large yellow foam "signs up" hands from the scout store.


My plan is simple: At the very beginning of our pack meetings, I am going to randomly choose a scout who happens to be in FULL uniform and have him follow me to the front of the sanctuary. I will hand him the foam hand to wear, and together, we will do signs up.


The hand will definantly catch people attention, the scout wearing it will have a blast, and it will be a great start to the meeting.


At this point, The color gaurd will come in and do thier thing.


After we have done colors and the Pledge, I will tell everybody about the foam hand, and how I will randomly choose a scout to wear it.


WE are not the kind of pack that will fuss, chastize, or embarass a scout for not wearing the entire uniform. But we will compliment one who does wear the entire uniform.


And knowing how boys are, they will all wear as much of their uniform as they can to see if they get the chance to wear the hand at the next pack meeting. Funny how a simple foam hand will make them do that huh? :)



See, the mor4e I do this Cub Master thing, the more I realize that my job is pretty much to make sure the Scouts are having a great time. I am supposed to make sure they really enjoy scouting. I am supposed to make sure they have so much fun, they cannot wait to come back!


Or at the very least...so much fun that the fun outweighs the occasional ( and hopefully rare) dull den meeting.


So the foam hand is goofy, kinda dorky , and a bunch of nonsense...which makes it perfect! :)


Did I mention that I made a bet with all the scouts in the pack? If 70% of all den reach rank AND complete the entire year, I will wear a pink ballerina uniform complete with tutu while conducting the last pack meeting! Well...complete except for the slippers. I'm gonna wear my hiking boots!

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You have such a great attitude! I want to be a cub scout in your pack!


I have been reading everything and anything on scouter.com over the past week. It is really inspirational to me, as a den leader, to see so many people understanding the value of the cub scout program. Keep it positive, fun and adventurous. I hope to use many of the great ideas that everyone has posted. thank you for sharing!

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Awesome Idea for the start of the Pack Meeting! I think that I will do that too! Because of my Wood Badge course, I started playing the Native American Flute to help call the meeting to order. Will incorporate it all.


Yes, being Cubmaster gives you a license to be funny. It's about the Boys and not the Parents.

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I like the use of the foam Scout Sign. Very fun!


I was a bit concerned at the ballerina bet however. Does your Pack generally have a difficult time getting 70% of its DENS to stay registered a full year? Do you generally lose 1-3 complete dens, or 30% of your total boys, every year? That is a big issue, and one that a mere ballerina bet will not cure. You, and your CC, need to contact these families and find out why you are losing boys in such numbers, and then fix the problem.

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Nah, 30 percent isn't a number we see. We might losr between 5 to 8 percent of our scouts each year as the year goes on.


But it's mostly due to mom or dad, not the scouts.


Sure, we do get the occasional scout who - due to the DE's awesome job of salesmanship at the roundup - thinks we are going camping, swimming, shooting BB guns and archery every weekend, and decides to drop out when it turns out we don't do that.


But mostly, it's a mom or dad who burns out on scouting because:


1) they drive Jr from this sports to that sport to karate to after school gymnastics and then scouts.

2) Even though we explained otherwise at roundup, they think we are babysitters and get mad when we don't babysit.


3) The find out that the whoe program isn't just about their child only and get mad when Jr doesn't get 27 beltloops and awards at every meeting or that ...God forbid..the DL's actually pay attention to the other scouts to instead of just their child.


The whole thing behind 70% of ALL DENS is the key thing. And it's not just rank, or sticking around all year, but BOTH .


And it's 70% of the den that starts the year.


Besides, it's a goofy challenge, not a make or break your carrer kinda thing. Gotta stack the odds in their favor while not just handing it to them.


It's about fun!

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I love the foam finger idea and tying it to a correctly uniformed incentive! Always better to incent through rewards than punishment if you can.


The tutu idea is awesome and your kids will love it. Good idea setting a managable goal, which you are sure to exceed. (Don't listen to any detractors--some people can find the cloud in any silver lining and just can't wait to give you unsolicited advice based on half-informed assumptions!)

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Excuse me?


Not detracting, just asking questions.


This is a discussion forum. Where things are discussed, and feedback is given.


If you are looking for a simple question and answer format you are in the wrong place. Try Yahoo Answers.

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