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I need some advice. We are currently having a HUGE amount of personnel conflict within our pack, that is unfortunately affecting the whole program. I recently stepped down as cubmaster, and my asst will be steppping up to the position on his return. There is disagreement over this, as we are supposed to vote on the cmte volunteer postitions. One, we don't have people "chomping at the bit" to step up and volunteer, and the current asst has CM time in the past. We are lucky to get the people we need to run the pack and for several months had a cmte that consisted of the CC, treasurer, CM and pack recruiter. Needless to say things went great. We have a parent, who is also an asst ldr (registered as cmte member) and sits on the cmte and is cmte chair for the troop. She hates everyone, and is a WORLD class gossip. If issues arise, she is at the center of the conflict. If it isn't done her way, then all of us are wrong. She is stating that we now need to make elections for the cmte members, and is pushing the UC and the COR to remove our current CC who has voluntarily held the position for over the past 2 years. I was under the impression that we were running things well, providing a great program for the boys. I also considered this person a friend, that has now stabbed me in back more times than I can count. The majority census would be to have her leave. Is she correct in stating that we should be electing the cmte positions?? Even when we have a volunteer comfortable in the position and doing for the good of the boys? I am concerned that losing CC would damage the pack and it would fall apart. Also our current treasurer is VERY good and VERY conscientious with spending of the money (insures all bills are paid before money is used for the boys). If this person takes control of the pack as she has in the troop, she will become our dictator and foolishly spend the boy's money. Yes it is their money...especially those who participated faithfully in the popcorn to raise money so to carry those who did nothing. The current cmte members are planning on rechartering with the pack in their positions, unless someone really wants to step up. Yeah right all my parents think I get paid to do this.

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Stand by for a lecture of Scouting procedures.


There is no voting on appointments in a Scout unit. The Committee Chair is selected by the Charter Org Rep and everyone else serves at their pleasure.


If there are severe issues with one of the adults, that really needs to be addressed by the Committee Chair and if the CC is willing to do it, the Unit Commissioner and the COR should be brought into the loop.


Most of us do our fair share of gossiping (Eamonn and BeeDubya excepted) but when it interferes with the running of the unit, something has to be done.


If you have someone trying to stage a coup, then that needs to be addressed by a conversation with the COR.


Just my thoughts at 1 AM.


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Does your pack have by-laws that require votes on committee members? If not the BSA says that the COR selects the CC who then appoints the rest with the COR's approval. Someone pulled the "we have to have a vote on who is.." once. Made a BIG mess of things then we discovered the BSA guide. It is up to the CO and therefore COR to get the people in the correct positions. Other parents do not necessarly know who is trained, etc. This is not a popularity contest but getting people that will do the best job.

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Tell this lady her services are no longer needed, return her registration fee & have her removed from your roster. People like this will sour the entire program & could be having an adverse effect on other adults who might help out if she is gone.


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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Yah, evmori's got the right of this, eh?


There's really no point in debatin' bylaws and procedures and whatnot in such a small group. You've identified the problem, so deal with the problem. Your CC should have a personal conversation with your COR and together they should remove the disruptive individual.


Or, if she really wants, yeh can all vote on her removal at a committee meeting. ;) Four votes in favor, one opposed. The ayes have it, don't let the door hit yeh on the way out.


Sounds like da outcome would be the same either way. Bring the conflict to a conclusion and move on.





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Everyones registration is for 1 year only. At that time they are either rechartered with the unit, or not. She serves no purpose on the Committee and you can find another asst den leader. I would tell her that her service are no longer needed at the Pack level.


BTW - This is how BSA actually recommends that new leaders are selected -




Basically it states that the IH or COR APPOINTS, and LEADS, a Leader Selection Team. This team can consist of CO members, Pack committee members, Pack leaders, parents, or anyone who the COR decides has the best interests of the Pack at heart. That team identifies people who they feel would do the best job in the position. The IH then approves the list of prospective leaders and gives the OK to contact them. Starting with their top candidate, the people on the list are visited, in person, and asked to accept the position. This goes on until one of them accepts.


Notice, no VOTING at all.

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How many of these whack jobs are out there??? :o


Get your IH and CO/COR behind you and get this woman out of the Pack. Sadly, you will probably lose more than one cub over this, and her boy is getting punished for having a nut-case mom, but you have to act in the best interest of the others.

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Does your pack have a unit commissioner assigned to it? If so, ask your UC for his or her advice.


If not, ask your district commissioner to assign you one. UCs earn their pay by helping out in situations just like this.


(just kidding about the pay . . .)

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