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Parents and BSA insurance

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hi all,

While at council resident camp last week one of our parents suffered a broken collar bone.It was asports related accident not any type of negligence.

He is not a registered leader but submitted all the forms required for attendence at residence camp. I let him know (and he was given forms as well) he can submit out of pockets insurance does not cover to BSa for secondary coverage. He said he had a low deductable and probably would not.

My question is to anyone who may have an idea: he's a parent and not a leader- would he still be covered? Do they have disability as well? He's self employed and will have to have surgery and may not be able to work 6-8 weeks.

this just incident just has me curious- we're not expecting anything but it would be nice to know.


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Adult registration fees cover the cost of the insurance. If they are not registered then who paid the cost of their insurance? I would think they would need to contact your council and go from there. The council or insurance company would have the final call on this question.

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Typical unit supplemental insurance covers Scouts, Leaders, parent partners of Tigers and boys and adults who are attending with the purpose of recruiting as members. There may be some other insurance at a resident camp that covers this, especially since they often require an adult with the Scout. I am curious, please let us know what you find out.(This message has been edited by pack212scouter)

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Hi Karen,


This is a good question to ask your council Field Director or Business Manager. Go straight to the source, eh?


Generally speakin', I think yeh need to think of this as an adult who voluntarily participated in a sportin' event and got hurt, eh? Them's the breaks, so to speak. They aren't necessarily entitled to havin' other people's kids and BSA donors pay for their health care. Coverage is really meant to protect registered leaders (who have to participate in events so that the kids can, eh?).


The terms of the HSR supplemental health insurance coverage that units may purchase (and which a council almost always purchases for council events if the unit doesn't have it in force) do not cover regular parent participants except those bein' recruited as leaders like Pack212 suggests. My understandin' is that the BSA and insurer may treat this definition relatively loosely so as to include parents who are actin' in some necessary leadership/support role on a trip (like, for example, a parent who is actin' as the mandatory second adult for two-deep).


The health coverage is excess to any other health coverage which may be in place. It's very low limits coverage as well. So given that he's got a low deductible personal health care policy, even if the insurance were in force it wouldn't be coverin' anything but his deductible. Probably not worth filin'.


There is a small disability provision in the contract, but it only applies to registered leaders and so would not apply to this gentleman.


Hope that helps,




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Yes, he feels it was just an accident at a play- at- your- own -risk type event. I believe he does not intend to file anything but it has brought up some what-if's in my mind. He is a very active parent in the pack (his wife is Treasurer) and every year has been upgrading our Lane Brain (or lame brian as we like to call it!!) for the pinewood track,

He was attempting to avoid colliding w/ a cub and is extremely thankful the cub did not sustain any injury (except a slight little spill) but still tripped over him and went into the air and landed on his right shoulder. He would have collided full force if he did not slow himself down. It was just one of those things. He was the only non registered adult in our cub group. Myself and the others are all part of Committee in various positions.(we all had to submit rosers and physicals for the camp and it's council run)

He has a great attitude as- those things just happen.

But what do you do with adults that attned to be with their sons that are not registered? And what about those recruiting events? We were told we'd be covered if it was for the intent of gatherering new members.

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