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What else for a successful rocket derby

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We are planning a water rocket derby as part of our popcprn kickoff.

We have a Dad that is making the launchersso 4 can go off at once.

We are starting to collect various empty plastic bottles.

What do we do to make this organized and fun??

Do we have a table for them to put together their own rocket or have them bring one they did themselves (I guess this is best option).

Prizes based on most creative, etc??

We are combining w/ popcorn info and sales training- do we let those first to sign up for show-n-sells get to launch first??

We were going to have tickets we give out for prizes.

Who else has done a Water Rocket event and what did you do?

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I have actually not done water rocket event but I as a youth I was a young astronaut and as a boy scout leader have helped with model rocket events. Here is my 2 cents ;)


- always make sure safety comes first regardless if from a miss fire or the rocket falling back the ground


- keep it simple and make it fun


- prizes most creative, highest flyer, best design, weirdest pain job, best explosion, etc


- I would say have the Scouts premake the rockets themselves or with in the den/patrol level then on launch day make it into some kind of special mission


- I am not a big fan of popcorn (not a discussion for this thread) and would never put it over a fun event like rockets ... however if for your unit doing so may help get families involved in the fundraisier then it may work for you...


Hope this helps...


Scott Robertson


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I have put on two pretty successful rocket derbys for my pack. We started it last year as one of our summer time activities, in combination with a family style picnic. First, I recommend going to this website for a ton of details on making rockets, and running a derby: http://wwong.homestead.com/rockets.html

The creator of the site was featured in Scouting magazine a couple of years ago, and that is what gave my pack the idea for it.

Next, I have done the rockets both ways, made at the event, and created at home. Either way, I provided all of the materials. When we had them assemble them at the event, it took a long time, and they were not decorated as well, of course. We were very surprised to see how different they came in when they had the opportunity to do them at home. We made the rockets that use a 20 oz pop (soda) bottle, and a paper tube. You will have to get all of these materials ahead of time, package them individually, and give them out to each scout to be assembled at home. Whether you assemble them at home or at the event, I suggest you have the scout provide his own bottle, and you predetermine which kind of bottle they have to use. They should provide their own because it is almost impossible to get the quantity of the same bottle that you will need. You will need to determine which bottle fits best on your launcher, which is what will determine the bottle used. For example, our launcher fits 20 oz. Coke bottles. Diet Coke also worked, but Coke zero did not. Neither did any other brand (such as Pepsi and what not). We use a launcher purchased on the internet for about $75. The launcer builder is refrenced in the above site. We had a few Dad's who were able to build a rudimentry launcher, but nothing that could acctually with stand the pressure needed if you really want a decent launch ( by the way, I'm married to a mechanical engineer).

This is a quick crash course. You can message me if you have any more questions.

Good Luck!!


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If you have sufficient lead time (I would judge at least a month or more), invest in some phone calling and/or websurfing. NASA is very willing to provide promo material about Space exploration. AND, if it fits into their schedule, you might even get an Astronaut to come and wow the Cubs.

Lacking that, go to the nearest University and see if the Engineering or Physics Dept might be able to help with some special stuff. Worked for us some years ago.


Military District? Check for the Corps of Engineers. They (Baltimore Mil District) did a great section for our CSDC.

Brain storm it, and run up your phone bill a litttle, couldn't hurt.

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