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? on earning arrows

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My question when you are doing the requirements some of them say do A - E and 1 of F -L now if the scout does all of these requirements (plus) do these extras count towards arrow points. So required are 5 plus the 1 (6) so if he does G-L does the extra 6 count as arrow point.


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In the Bear Handbook it states that unused parts of achievements that were used for the Bear badge may NOT be counted towards arrow points.


So if he used A-F as a Bear rank achievement then G-L can not be used as electives.


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I just found this -

I guess I'm confused this is what the Tracker says for Wolf - Am I reading it wrong? I could be..


If a boy does more achievements than what is required for Achievements 1, 10, & 12, then enter the additional achievements as an E. This will give him extra elective points towards arrow points.


And on the Bear tracker it says this -


You can convert some of them to elective points; not all of them. You can only convert those credits from Achievements that weren't used to gain credit for the Bear badge.

For example: the COUNTRY section of the Bear badge tells you that you have to complete 3 out of the 5 possible achievements to recieve credit in the COUNTRY section. Let's say a boy used Achievements 3, 4, & 5 to complete that section. If, after completing those achievements, he has extra, unused achievement credits in Achievements 3 and 7, he can convert the unused achievement credits into elective points from Achievement 7, but he can't convert the extra achievement credits from Achievement 3.


Thanks - What to do?



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I had heard this as well, although I don't know where. I tried to track down some written confirmation of this, and found none. So, as far as I know, for Wolf, you can get arrow points ONLY through electives, not through the undone parts of Achievements 1, 10, and 12.


I checked out the tracker you refer to (I use the Roxanne Madsen ones instead), and I think he has it wrong. It's too bad he made a point of explicitly encouraging people to do the extra parts for electives, because they shouldn't count.


Now, if someone can point me to some official word on this, it would be helpful.

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The official word is the current issue (2003) of the Wolf Handbook.


Nowhere in the handbook does it say that unused achievements can be used for electives. Nowhere in the handbook is there even a place to mark an achievement as an elective. It says to earn arrow points they have to complete 10 ELECTIVE projects.


In contrast, the Bear Handbook very specificaly says that complete achievements not used towards the Bear rank can be used as arrow point electives. In the Bear Trail achievement section they have 2 lines for Akela's approval, 1 for the Bear Trail & 1 for the Arrow Point Trail.


The trackers are incorrect. If there is a question, always go by the BSA publication and not the outside source.


Hope this helps.


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