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Wolf electives and arrow points clarification


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My son is a wolf cub. We are both new to Cub Scouting. I understand that electives are made up of multiple elective requirements. And arrow points are earned for each time a cub scout earns 10 elective REQUIREMENTS, not electives. Right?


And it appears a Wolf Cub Scout may work on the elective requirements before he earns his Wolf badge, but may not be awarded the arrow points until after he earns the Wolf badge. Right?


Does completing an elective (completing each elective requirement for that elective) signify anything?


Thanks for your help.

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Wolves and Bears cannot use those "unused, optional" requirements as electives.


Bears can use requirements from un-selected Achievements as Electives but cannot use those "extra, optional" requirements from their chosen Achievements.


jd(This message has been edited by johndaigler)

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This is getting confusing, so let me clarify:


Wolf and Bear have different rules. As a Wolf, to complete Achievement 1 you must do 1a through 1e, and one more of the remaining six requirements (1f thru 1k). If you complete all six of the remaining requirments, one of them counts toward completing the Achivement and the other five count as electives.


That is not true for Bears. Achievements for Bears are grouped by God, Country, Family and Self. Take Country, for example. You must complete three of five Achievements (numbers 3 thru 8). Say you complete numbers 3, 4 and 5. Out of the 10 requirements under number 3 you only have to do three of them. If you do extra, they DO NOT count as electives. However, if you complete any of the requirement for Achivements 6 or 7, they CAN be counted as electives. This is better explained on page 286 of the Bear book.

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TwoCubDad says "As a Wolf, if you complete all six of the remaining requirments, one of them counts toward completing the Achivement and the other five count as electives"


Wow, I did not know this. Where will I find this information? Thanks for your help.

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