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Summer Camp Packets

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I am trying to create a useful packet for our scouts/parents. It will be a promotional/informative packet. I was wondering what you all would put in one. This is what I have:


Cover-Pictures of Scouts @ Camp

1- Camp Director Intro

2- High Adventure Program/Camp Highlights

3- Merit Badges

4- MBs

5- First Class Express/Family Night

6- Camp Policies/Rules

7- Troop Departure, Cost, Leaders

8- Campership

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Our packet is similar. We include what to bring, key dates, times, parent's night, policies, etc. MB offerings are included, as well as recommended ages and pre-reqs. We also explain the pricing structure, early payment discounts, etc. We charge a $20 "Troop fee" that covers other costs such as T-shirts, food, special program fees, special recognitions and any additional MB books that we don't have in the troop library. This also helps defray the cost of the adults that go.


For new parents I include a "how to help keep your child from getting homesick" note. It includes several of the items I mentioned on that thread we had going recently.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your packet is great. We also put together a CD with all of the necessary forms and handouts and gave it to each Pack in our District. That way, if they needed any extra copies, they could print them up. Less time you spend on that!


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