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Jambo Troop Hic-up.


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2001 was my first National Jamboree. I was the Scoutmaster for one of the two troops that our council sends. The Scouts and the adults all had a super time. After the event we had a close-out meeting and it was decided that if the two Scoutmasters were willing they would get to do it again.Both of us were willing and both are going to be the Scoutmasters for 2005.

The council has four districts. We have a North Troop and a South Troop. The North troop is taken from the two districts in the northen end of the council and the South Troop from the two districts in the south end of the council.

I have the honor of serving the troop from the south. Last time all the troop leadership came from the same district that I am in. In fact there was no real selection only four people applied.

One thing that both the other Scoutmaster and myself asked for at the close out meeting was to get an earlier start. For 2001, we didn't start working on the jamboree till the Fall of 2000. Which wasn't a lot of time. So this time we are off to a flying and much earlier start.

We have held a rally for the Scouts and their parents. Which was really well attended. We asked for adults to apply for the other leadership positions. The North troop got only one. We got a lot. But all from the same district as the one that I'm in. So all the adults are from one district. The 3rd Assistant Leader isn't from our district. But it is well known that I really like him. I was the speaker at his Eagle Scout presentation. I had him be the guest speaker at the Council Recognition dinner, where he told us about his experiance at the World Jamboree. He was asked to speak at one of the big fund raising dinners and retold his experiance at the national jamboree and thanked me. He is the Lodge chief and an all round real nice lad. As I say I really think the world of him. I wish he was in the same district as me.

There is no real selection for the youth attending. They need the ok from their real Scoutmaster and a deposit ($175.00 Non-returnable.) We have 36 spaces. To date we have 30 filled and they are all from one district. Yes the one that I'm in !! I have spoken to other people in the district who said that they were thinking of sending their son. I told them to move fast.

It now seems that the other district is a little upset. Some units were having fund raising events to raise the $175.00 and now it looks like there will be no room for them.

While I know that I have done nothing wrong. It sure looks like I have gone out of my way to fill this Jamboree Troop with Lads from the same district as I'm in.

I am having a meeting this week and know that we will have the troop filled before the end of the week. Should I hold back and give the Lads from the other district "First Dips"? Or just it play out as first come first served?

I don't know how many places are open in the other troop maybe some of them could go there.

Eamonn(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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I understand your predicament. But when it comes to long term committments with that kind of money, you have to go with who puts the cash down first. The Council can develp a waiting list, 25-30 % of the lads that put money down wont be going.


Alternatively, can your Council wrangle another troop? Last time our Council originally put together 4 troops to go and had such a respnse that they added another troop, so 5 troops were formed. Is that possible? it should still be early enough


I know its a tough spot, but more than enough is always better then not enough

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I would take it first come first servered and start building a waiting list. Councils have to pay deposit on 1 Feb for all the troops they are sending. I wiould have them ask region for another troop. Heck we did what OGE said started with 4 and sent 5. We told our council to tell region we were sending the deposit in for the 5th troop and they said ok, send it as you asked first of the other regions councils.


Each region always holds back some troops. I know of no scout that was ever denied going if he had the money. Look at 2001, they opened a whole new subcamp, #20 so they could accomidate the numbers.


Our marching orders here are recruit, recruit, recruit. They will get there somehow.



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The key is what "expectations" were publicly advertised to all? I've seen councils not advertise, except by word of mouth to those "in the know" for coveted positions.


If all the districts knew it was a first come, first served rule, do it that way regardless of where the applications come from.


As for repeat SMs to the national Jamboree, if I ran the zoo, I would interview candidates for all SM & SA slots trying to use an even footing. In our council, these positions are highly sought after and because I feel there are more than enough qualified candidates to fill the positions needed, I would NOT show a preference to those that went before. I would "spread the wealth" a little more evenly. Nothing personal Eamonn.

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Strange as this may sound I happen to agree with you. However as I said last time there was no selection as only the four who went were the only ones who applied. It was funny I knew when the committee were meeting and a few of the members. After the meeting one phoned and told me that I was to be the Scoutmaster. My head was starting to swell and I was feeling very honored till he let me know that I was the only applicant. It didn't do the ego much good!! This year the other troop only got one adult to apply.

While I do have to admit that while at the Jamboree the other Scoutmaster and I did discuss the idea of doing it again. Mainly to see if we could make some changes that would improve the experiance for the Scouts that attend. I have no real idea why the leaders in our council shy away from this opportunity. We do seem to have a lot of people from the council that do attend as Jamboree Staff members. Most of these are guys who do not do very much with the youth.

We did have a problem with the Jamboree Committee. It had become a little bit of an "Good Old Boys" club. Still even with this I don't think this prevented leaders from applying. While it is sad to see some of these guys who have worked so hard for Scouting grow old and then step aside. It does give the newer guys and gals a chance.


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The Jamboree patch is issued to everyone who pays the deposit. The deposit is due Feb 1st 2004. So yes you will see people wearing them. As for them/us being the "chosen ones". We have asked people to sign up via the council newspaper. Those who chose to sign up and pay up will wear the patch maybe you mean "Those that chose?"


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This won't help your situation, Eamonn, but since folks read these threads for advice long after they are written, I'll offer this suggestion:


Instead of doing things on a first-come, first-serve basis, set two deadlines for registering, especially for events with limited spaces available. Everyone who meets the first deadline is placed on equal footing to be selected. Once the first deadline passes, if you're over booked, fill the slots based on whatever selection criteria you are using (merit, lottery, enny-meeny-miney-moe, whatever). The second deadline is the absolute registration deadline (Feb. 1, in the case of Jamboree). If you register after the first deadline, but before the second, your name goes on the list in the order in which it was received.


Communication through Scouting isn't a perfect science. If your Scoutmaster missed Roundtable that month, or you missed the troop meeting that week, you may not get the word as soon as everyone else. This system levels the playing field for those who may not get the word as quickly as others. Although it may be absolutely fairly administered, first-come, first-served can have the appearance that those with "inside information" have a leg up.


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Just as a Devil's advocate however, why place a kid who makes every scout meeting as equal to a kid who misses several? I know the reasons to miss Scout meetings are legion, and I dont think you can use meeting attendance as a criteria for advancement, but why not give the scout who attends an edge because he does show up?


As I have said, meeting attnedance should not be a criteria, but then the information given at the meeting should be available, but not necessarily spoon fed to the scout.


First Come First Serve rewards the active scout

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If you want to make attendance part of the selection process, fine. I don't remember what's on the youth application, but the staff app for adults has a space for the local council to evaluate the applicant on things like attitude and uniforming. I suppose attendance could be a factor, too.


But that has nothing to do with my suggestion which is to create a method which removes poor communication as a reason some boys may miss an opportunity.

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We had a meeting last night picked up 3 more Lads who want to go. At last one from the other district. It seems that the other troop is not filling up at nearly the same rate as we are.

Talking with someone from the small council next door. It seems that they are only sending one troop, which is about half full but they can't find leaders for the troop. I suppose we ought to count our blessings.


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In 2001 my council filled open youth slots with some members of other councils that had extra applicants, but not enough extra for additional troops. Unfortunately that activity may be coming back to bite the council because we have only been given 2 troops instead of the 3 at the last couple of Jambos.



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