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Help identifying a patch

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I recently purchased my son one of the older olive green button up shirts. There is one patch sewn on the shirt that I have not had anyone be able to identify. It is the same size as a POR patch and is sewn on the left sleeve. It resembles the First Class rank badge, but the Eagle is gold, and the fleur-de-lis and scroll are blue with silver outline and wording and a silver knot. It has gold leafs around the perimeter. There is also a white arrowhead sewn on the sleeve below this patch, so Im assuming its an adults patch?

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It sounds like one of the older BSA veterans patches; they used to be used to commemorate years of membership. They are diamond shaped, have the 1st class emblem incorporated in them, and are generally gold or silver with blue highlights. Search on ebay or google images to see if it matches

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My thanks to you also, Eaglescout1996. I was recently given two commissioner patches from the mid-60's but wasn't sure which was which. Now I know I have an Assist Dist. Commissioner & a Neighborhood Commissioner.


Lub2boutdoors, I'm going to PM you. Send me your addy and I can set you up with a 60's vintage ASM patch for your son.

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