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Deadline for earning Tiger badge


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I have a boy that started late last year, so he wasn't able to finish up his Tiger requirements until the summer. Is there a deadline for completing the Tiger Cub requirements? I was planning on filling out his advancement paperwork today, but I was wondering if I may run into problems with this relatively late request for his Tiger badge. Thanks!(This message has been edited by dbrooksf)

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In our council Cubs (as far as the chartering roster goes) get promoted to the next Rank as of June 1st.... I think it's an automatic rollover, but it can be a paperwork catch-ya.


Remember, there are NO performance requirements for a boy in the Tiger Cub trail.

Simply participating and doing one's best in an activity constitutes completion.


I just made sure my advancement report got turned it before June 1.

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CS is an interesting program isn't ;)


While Cubs automatically move up to the next level, i.e. can join Tigers, move from Tiger to Wolf, etc. on Jun 1, their is discretion at the unit level. June 1 is when they can start working on the next level, i.e. a Tiger can begin working on Wolf as of June 1st. BUT if they haven't earned Tiger yet, they have until school starts to finish it. Also a cub cannot work on two ranks simultaneously, i.e. working on Tiger and Wolf at the same time. So if he works on Tiger stuff over the summer, he cannot do wolf stuff at teh same time.



Now If he earned Tiger say in June, then he can work on Wolf in July.

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