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Historical Merit Badges


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How does BSA expect boys to find counselors for these four merit badges? To start off the boys don't find out about them until half way through January.


In the council that my son is in, when I applied to be a merit badge counselor the process took over nine months. No I didn't have any over due library books / videos or any overdue parking fines. My wife has had babies quicker then it took to let me know if I could be a merit badge counselor. Is it like this in other places or just in central Pennsylvania?


How are other councils going to deal with this as far as determining who can be counselor and following the bureacratic process of becoming a counselor in a timely manner?


From BSA.org it reads to call a local Homeland Security office for help with the Pathfinder m.b. Can you imagine the red tape that a boy would have to go through if he called a Homeland Security office and asked for help with the Pathfinder m.b.?

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Councils appear to be all over the map with merit badge counselor tracking/approving. In our troop, we just have someone hand in an application and consider them good to go. We drop off the form at council at some point, and never worry about it again. Other places are more stringent.

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From Scouting magazine Facebook page - February 4, 2010 5:07 pm

"We just spoke to the team leader in charge of the historical merit badges. The group is finalizing some requirements and will go live with the special Web site soon. They're planning to include scans from the original merit badge pamphlets with each historical merit badge. These scans will be annotated with explanatory call-out boxes to explain the early-20th-century terminology to modern-day Scouts."


My comment sent to them this am:

Isn't it kind of important to get the "official" requirements out as soon as possible since , I'm sure, many of us took the January 12, 2010 announcement (http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2010/01/historical-merit-badges-help-boy-scouts-celebrate-scoutings-past.html) to be official and started working the program. We ve already had 10 % of the year in which they can earn the badge, go by. Holding up waiting for glitz and glamor on the website is doing a real dis-service to our Scouts.

(This message has been edited by NE-IV-88-Beaver)

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