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Court of Honor Props


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Here are my thoughts...


- create a candle holder by drilling holes in a log


- create a table cloth by getting say some cheap flat sheets and the iron on computer paper to customize them. I would also recommend making them colors that relate to the troop. For example are your neckerchiefs or t-shirts a troop color...


- Have each patrol make some kind of center piece that relates to their patrol


- The troop I made eagle in had a really cool light box ... it was about like 2 feet wide and 3.5 feet tall had a number of lights in it with a switch to control each individually ... over the top was the first class badge printed on a plastic like material. we had ceremonies where we would use for example second class may only get the scroll part lite up or maybe tenderfoot just the flur-de-le ...


- go to party stores, the scout store, scout stuff website, etc and look at what is out there, things u may be able to just buy and ideas you can barrow to make your own...


hope my wacky 2 cents was of some help...


Scott Robertson


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