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Everything posted by Dozy

  1. F Scouter: What do you mean by?: The Scout has no "right" to select his MB counselor except from choices offered by the SM. If there is an approved MB list, why can't the Scout choose with whome he'd like to work? Perhaps he would prefer a male over a female in a particular area, or vice versa. Perhaps he does not want the MB counselor for "basketry" who is a scouts mother, with whome he does not have an affinity with, so he'd prefer to go outside the troop and choose from the District list. If the SM says, I approve for you to do this Merit Badge, is should be OK for the boy to rec
  2. On June 20, a young man had his Eagle BOR. He passed. His parents either already had or went out and purchased an Eagle patch. At the last minute he asked to go to Summer Camp (June 25 was 1st day). His mother sewed on an Eagle patch... he went as an Eagle. He has not yet been approved by National. Was this OK? I know that for other Rank Advancements, the scout begins the Rank on the day he passes the BOR... but I don't think that's the case for Eagle.(This message has been edited by Dozy)
  3. My son went to a LAW MB gentleman told my husband, sizing him up that he's way beyond the requirements in the book and wanted my son to do other things... even though he had already done some research on the requirements, for this MB man, it was for nothing. Yes, we have since learned that a MBC cannot add or subtract, but must stick to the script. AND that's a good thing. As for committee training... I am the only one Committee Trained, BOR trained and Youth Protection trained. All of the current members training has either expired (Youth Protection), or the other two, they never
  4. No offense. What I mean by "lowly CM" is that I hold no position on my troops committee. I backup the SM and that's plenty. Plus, I'm coming up on my first year Anniversary as a CM and only within the last 6 months have activly pursued training (and that's because I found out that no one was trained at anything and they didn't know what they were doing... I deferred to them and mistakes were made in many areas... so I decided to get some education). We've had a huge problem with semantics. We're in a maze hitting turns and walls and can't seem to get out of it. "Should" is one of
  5. What I mean is that these BOR people, though Adult Leaders and Committee Members are not active participants in the Scout programs. They do not come to events, outings, meetings... they are not drivers or second Adult Leaders where 2-deep leadership is required. They volunteer for nothing, but show up for BOR's and Committee meetings and have their votes, but are not there to help carry out any suggestions they make... hence, they are not active at the support level or at the Troop level. In our Troop, traditionall the SM and ASM do everything, I sub as an Adult Leader when required,
  6. All Star Rank requirements were met. Advancement deferred 3 months by BOR. Reasons cited: 1) Work on Merit Badges individually 2) Work on leadership and communication 3) Not enough initiative No additional information given to Scout. Any opinions? (BOR members are not active Adult Leaders.) As an SM, how would you feel the denial of Rank Advancment to a Scout, who, in your opinion, is a GO all the way? I started this in another thread, but for different reasons. I'd just like to know how you SM's feel about being over-ridden by your Committee? OR, does this not happen to
  7. 1) Is it a Conflict of Interest if an Assistant Scoutmaster is also the Advancement Coordinator? I can't find anywhere where this is prohibited, yet our Committee has outlawed this and removed the AC responsibility from our ASM. 2) Is it a Conflict of Interst if a Scoutmaster signs off his own sons book? I've been told at our District meetings that there is nothing in any policy that states that a SM should not or may not or cannot sign his own son's Handbook, or put him up for review, or even approve him for Eagle. 3) Is it a Conflict of Interest that a Committee Chair cannot sign
  8. acco40 You have nailed what I have been searching for and this will REALLY help me at our committee meetings. I will cc&p your post and use it, and possibly use it often. Thanks Dozy Just a lowly committee member
  9. Question? 1) if a scout goes to a jamboree with his dad, and camps, but not with a unit, does that count toward a camping MB? 2) can the scout do his swimming merit badge requirements without the MB counselor present? and on his honor tell the MB counselor, "yep, I did the requirements"? These are Eagle required MB's. I've been told by our Former District Commissioner that a Family Event is a Family Event and a Scout Event is a Scout Event and the two are completely separate and cannot be counted one for the other. So if dad takes the son camping, and even thought he so
  10. I say, we had two similar situations in our Troop, and in the past year. Two boys, seemingly underserving. Some of you may know that our Troop committee is messed up. In this case, the new SM inheritied three life scouts. One exceptional, one marginal, and one wasted (the son of the committee chair). Because our CM was not BOR trained, we messed all three of them up in one way or another. The SM was pressured on many sides, the program was halted, etc., all sorts of snafus happened, monies for events disappeared, etc., so that the wasted kid could make Eagle. From 2005 to
  11. quoting Beavah: In the interim, find a mediator in a good commissioner and get everyone to sit down and talk about goals and values. The mediator part is coming via our Disctrict Executive, and that's in August. Yes, it does seem that the Troop will either split... and yes, the COR is not only weak, but non-participatory - a relative ghost. We don't want a "new guard" and "old guard" situation... we want all new people to be on the same page when they come in so that they have the full information before they even join so that they can decide (Hey, I like how this is being run!
  12. An immediate appeal was made to the Board, denied An immediate appeal was made to the Commmittee, denied Now, it's going to district. The whole and complete story (and yes, the board needs training). It's easy. He was denied because of not enough Service Hours, period. At immediate appeal, SM said that he not only had the 6 required Service Hours but he had 18, only 4 hours less than the scout they approved. At appeal time, 2 board members said, "Well, we don't FEEL he's ready." Now that the reason for denial was satisified, 2 members began fishing for reasons to
  13. I think a lot of folks come here looking for objective advise on the difficulties in their group. That's about the size of it. I've been searching around these forums every now and again when I need some help with little things... but now I have a BIG issue which caused me to register as a member. We have a situation of the "old guard" vs the "new guard" at the Troop Committee Level. In the beginning, the NG assumes that the OG is competent, capable, knows what the procedures are, etc. Unfortunately, we've already had situations where Scouts where hurt (not physically) because proper pro
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