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Everything posted by cricket

  1. Adding my congratulations to Justin. I have several Eagle Court of Honors to attend in the next couple of months, and I'll raise a glass of fruit punch in your honor.
  2. I need to make an edit, but I don't see how to do it, so I'm reposting.. "I was on her side when all this started, cricket, so apparently you failed to read the entire thread making your comment totally invalid. No, she never claimed her son was a "little angel", but she did seem to blame everything on the adults. If that were true, this thread woulda ended eight months ago!" Nope, wrong again. I've been reading this thread from the beginnin, and I never said that you were or were not on her "side". That's not even relevant to you calling her son her "little angel". In fact, I
  3. "I was on her side when all this started, cricket, so apparently you failed to read the entire thread making your comment totally invalid. No, she never claimed her son was a "little angel", but she did seem to blame everything on the adults. If that were true, this thread woulda ended eight months ago!" Nope, wrong again. I've been reading this thread from I never said that you were or were not on her "side" in the beginning. That's not even relevant to you calling her son her "little angel". In fact, I've known about this sitution long before it was brought to the scouter forum f
  4. Between the issues she had with her son's troop and the tone of this thread, I'm not the least bit surprised she's not posted for some time. Again, I never read one inappropriate or rudely worded post by mdsummer. Even when the posts got tough, she responded time and time again with gratitude for the help she was receiving. Yet, evmori can't make a simple post regarding his take on this matter without slipping in a snide remark toward her. She never once claimed her son was a "little angel". I'm really taken aback at some of the ridicule she's received at the hands of people who consider
  5. I hope it's okay to post a link. Start at post 55, and she uses the same screen name as this board. http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parent-cafe/564847-quit-not-quit-boy-scouts-2.html?highlight=eagle+scout
  6. I've read this message board for years, but have always been able to find answers to my scout questions in various threads without asking my own. I have two boys who are have aged out of Boy Scouts and are in college. Both are Eagle Scouts. After all these years, I finally felt the need to register to respond to the April Fool's accusations. I've been following this thread from the beginning because it spun off another message board, College Confidential, which I frequent. A poster from that board recommended this board to her, so this wasn't an April Fool's idea. She first started postin
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